I installed the danish language-file for G3, but there's a couple of things that are not translated properly.
I would like to do that but even browsing through the dir's of g3, I didn't find any languagefiles?
Gallery3 doesn't use language files, we use something much better http://codex.gallery2.org/Gallery3:Localization --- Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git | help! vote!
why when i set the default languange to spanish and click save, it changes back to english?
:] Kenneth WedMore Lund
http://www.bryllup.dk http://www.crazynight.dk
Posts: 7994
Gallery3 doesn't use language files, we use something much better
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git | help! vote!
Posts: 5
why when i set the default languange to spanish and click save, it changes back to english?
Posts: 41
:] Kenneth WedMore Lund