I've been playing around with G3Beta2, and I love where the development has gone. I'm looking forward to when the Permissions and Uploads UX's are completed.
One thing that would be very helpful for me is a plugin file (an include() file) that other PHP pages could reference throughout my site to display the random image module. My site is more than just Gallery, and it would be nice to be able to use the pictures in the Gallery to sell my organization throughout the site rather than having to load the pictures in multiple places or develop my own random function.
Another thing I would love is if I could specify constraints on the random image function. Something like "only display images from this album" or, better, "only display images new than date/date range (i.e. 3 months ago, 1 year ago, etc.)". Or a setting that would only allow the random image function to display images randomly from the album currently being viewed.
Posts: 16504
What are you looking forward for those? Afaik, both are pretty much complete. There may be a bit more polish or minor changes (like more graceful degrading for the flash based uploader), but I hope you're not expecting big changes.
For your image block request:
FAQ: What about feature X? It's really important to me!
Or keep an eye on suprsidr's cool media block:
I hope he updates that to work with G3 after the API for G3 has been more solidified
Like Gallery? Like the support? Donate now!!! See G2 live here
Posts: 16504
I should have looked first
Looks like there is an Image Block module for G3 already.
Like Gallery? Like the support? Donate now!!! See G2 live here