I've done some reading around, and it doesn't appear there's an (easy, anyway) way of doing this. I have a bunch of captions of photos in Picasa, and when I export them for upload to Gallery, Picasa sticks my caption in the IPTC Caption field. Which is fine.
However, on the Gallery side, the only place I can get this imported is to put it in the Item Summary or the Item Description. I want them in the Item TITLE, not either of those fields listed.
I don't believe there's a way to re-route the info at upload, is there? Is there a hack that will allow me to do this, or an updated EXIF/IPTC module or something?
There isn't some trick where I can put something like %IPTC:Caption% in the Caption field at upload time, and tell it to use the caption for the title?
Posts: 54
Hmm.. I looked here:
The following text appears:
Seems to be that I can do what I want to do from this text. But how? My version of Gallery is 2.2, and my EXIF/IPTC plugin is 1.1. Would this be solved by upgrading to 2.3? Didn't notice until right this minute that I wasn't at current code.
Posts: 54
It wasn't. Upgraded to 2.3, and nothing changed there, so how do I activate the "populate item title" with IPTC captions?
Posts: 16504
Had to dig into this because I don't use that plugin. Site Admin > EXIF/IPTC
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Posts: 54
I hit that already, I thought I mentioned that in the first post. There is no option in that to translate the caption to the TITLE. Despite what the FAQ says.
Edit: The option specifically says
"When photos are added to Gallery check for IPTC Object Name and apply to: "
I'm looking to get the IPTC CAPTION in the title, not the object name.
Posts: 16504
Ah, digging a bit deeper, you'll need to hack the EXIF plugin code yourself for that.
The IPTC spec states that the caption can contain up to 2000 characters. That makes for a very long title.
Formatting lost from copy-n-paste
I don't see anywhere on the EXIF plugin page that it specifically states putting the caption into the title. If I get the time, I'll clarify that page to match what the settings for the plugin under Site Admin actually states.
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Posts: 54
Is there any help on how to do that?
Posts: 16504
Do what I do and start reading and searching through the code. It's at /modules/exif
grep -nri objectname ./
appears to show that ExifDescriptionOption.inc is where the title is set from the IPTC.ObjectName
I'm sure you'll need to touch other files under that plugin as well.
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Posts: 8
Maybe a bit late for you, but it might help someone else and I needed to do this today. My requirement was very simple - just to copy the IPTC caption into the Title field and not mess with anything else. The changes are minimal and only in modules/exif/ExifDescriptionOption.inc:
To force it to always process the EXIF block I changed this:
to this:
To always store the caption if it has been extracted I changed this:
to this:
This is very much a quick and dirty solution, but it works for me. Hopefully someone will do it properly one day