There are several things missing in this module. I you change these things, I think it would get a lot better.
- I called the upload map 'serverupload'. So whenever I put pictures in it, and use the module, the system creates a new album, and puts the pictures in that album. For example, I have the album 'BBQ'. If I upload pictures into 'serverupload' using FTP (not using subdirectories or anything), and I add them to the album BBQ (so from within the album I press Add from Server), the BBQ album gets a subalbum 'serverupload' containing all the images. Horribly annoying! Who wants that?
- This also happens when I make a directory inside serverupload. For example, I made a directory 'Piaf' and put a bunch of pictures in it. When I add them (from the main page this time!) the uploader makes 2! new albums. An album 'serverupload' and a subalbum 'Piaf' containing the pictures. Why is 'serverupload' taken into the equation anyway?
- There is no way for me to see subdirectories and/or photo's in serverupload. Since I share the folder with more users, I'll just have to guess what's in it, and the module will create the albums for me. As stated before, it creates the album 'serverupload' and possibly subalbums, forcing me to organise everything after it's been processed.
- A minor thing: the file counter (xx images found) counts the '.' and '..' as well. It found 31 images in a 29 images directory yesterday (the 'Piaf' thing from before).
- Maybe the option to delete the added files from 'serverupload' once the process is finished?
Posts: 358
Thanks for the feedback, the original server add had all the bells and whistles and didn't work worth %$#^%$. On the second iteration, we went for simplicity. So at this point, you can open an enhancement ticket ( and hope that someone eventually finds the time and motivation to build it; or, you can make use of the developer module and write it yourself