Feature request: ability to copy photos to other albums


Joined: 2003-08-31
Posts: 4
Posted: Sun, 2003-08-31 18:35

Hi guys,

Maybe it's already possible but I can't find the option in my 1.3.4-pl1 installation. I can move photos from one album to another, but I don't see the option to copy them. I often have photos that fit under two categories so I'd like a copy to be in both (if it can be symlinked even better as that'll save a lot of disk space in the long run for me). Right now I have to re-upload the same photo into another album which isn't always an easy task. Files come from a digital camera, so the filenames are anything but descriptive, so I have to write down the filenames I want to duplicate, then re-upload those file. All in all it's a long and tedious process.

Are there already plans for adding "Copy photo" functionality or does a patch already exist?

Thanks for the info,
Gerard Beekmans
gerard at linuxfromscratch dot org


Joined: 2003-09-16
Posts: 3
Posted: Tue, 2003-09-16 19:43

I would really love this feature too, so I don't have to re-enter captions and such. Is there a workaround that someone has figured out?




Joined: 2003-09-04
Posts: 12
Posted: Tue, 2003-09-16 20:46

Actually, I only logged in to the forum just to request that feature. Symlinks would rock too!