Hey guys,
im looking to find out if someone can help me... i am a pretty experiences user with mySQL databases and mysql code...
However, what i am looking to accomplish is i want a few of the newwest pictures that were added to the gallery to show up on the website homepage.
I have successfully been able to pull the image but for some reason i cannot pull the album..
example ( here is my mysql code):
$sql = "SELECT * FROM g2_FileSystemEntity LIMIT 2";
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die (mysql_error());
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
echo "<a href='/gallery3/g2data/albums/*/".$row['g_pathComponent']."'><img border='0' src=/gallery/pictures/albums/*/".$row['g_pathComponent']." style='filter:alpha(opacity=50);-moz-opacity:0.3' onMouseover='high(this)' onMouseout='low(this)' width='74' height='81'></a> ";
Where the asteriks are is the information i cannot pull from the database. Does anyone know what i can do here to acquire the album in which the picture is in?
much help would be appreciated and if more explanation is due then please ask me i am not good with explaining things..
thanks very much