I recently found this little gem of a package, and think I will use it to completely replace a home-spun (yet surprisingly similar on the outside) gallery system. It is used for family and friends and contains just over 20,000 pics, mostly of my 4 young grandchildren.
Contrary to the published instructions, I have installed it on a Windows XP system running Apache 2.2.10, PHP 5.2.8 and MySql 5.1.30
It installed without issue and only had 1 PHP option to change for it.
I am running with the built-in GD 2.0.34 as IM is only available on the *nix platforms.
The system is Dell Dimension 4700 P4-2.8Ghz with 512MB memory.
At any rate, while preparing to slide all those pictures over, I started to add some paths, complete with my usual typos. What I can't seem to find is a way to remove these paths.
And when finally loading a test set of 236 pictures, they were taking from 10-15 seconds each. This is on a system that is only running this app.
Can anyone explane this?
Posts: 16504
Nothing contrary to it. If it works, it works, if it doesn't it's not supported
What's listed is the supported platforms.
Explain what? I don't know what you're asking. What paths are you talking about? Did you mis-name some albums and need to rename them? Is the import seem slow to you? How are you importing the photos? Or is it the loading the photos themselves that seem slow? A URL to the site would really help here.
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Right now, it is on an internal server/site.
I pointed the SERVER ADD at several directory paths on the same machine, some of which had typos or had gotten deleted (its a testing system). So I was wondering how I REMOVE those paths from the gallery system. Since they are wrong, no album will be associated with them either.
I was curious if the the 10-15 seconds per picture while loading was normal, considering it is also creating the thumbnails and the resized images etc?
Posts: 16504
If I'm following you, Admin > Settings > Server Add
Add and remove paths from that page.
While browsing or while importing? How big are the photos? Are you using ImageMagick or just GD?
Also, a P4 is pretty old
XP with 512MB is fine, but now you're tossing Apache, PHP, MySQL on top of that. I'd expect it to be slow as XP alone is consuming a fair amount of memory. Is Apache and MySQL tuned to run on a lower resource system? There's lots to look at with this stuff.
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On the SERVER ADD page it lists the various paths, but there is NO way to Select a path and then delete it. It only has an Add Path button.
The question was referring to doing the initial add of pics (importing). Most pics are 1.5 to 3mb in size.
There has been no problem running my old gallery system on this class of machine, and that is all it is doing. Granted it was written using a 'small system approach', but then I was expecting to MAYBE have two concurrent users (small family :>)
Am I correct in assuming that the various copies of the imported picture (thumbs, resize etc) are created during this import time. Perhaps a smoother approach would be to NOT create those images until they are first called for. That way the creation time can be spread across time as various users extract them. Also that would reduce capacity needs for those pics never looked at by anyone, and if a rebuild of the images are needed (changing thumb sizes etc) then it would be a lot faster since it only need to delete the affected file (and set some flags). Just a thought!
Posts: 27300
you don't have a trash/garbage can to the left of each path? Like:
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 101
I think on a high res screen it is not at all obvious that the icon is a trash can - I got it after a few seconds on mine but I had to look hard (I'm running on a 15" laptop at 1920x1200), I'll bet the original poster just thinks the icon is a bullet point.
Posts: 128
I don't have any trash can in front of the paths as you do, it all appears white. But my mouse pointer changes when I hover in that area, and the associated code is listed below.
Note that it just puts a capital X for the link, and I suspect that the resulting class makes it the same color as the background color.
I also notice this in all the pop up screens (like delete confirmations). There is no apparent exit button, but when I hover over the top right corner, it shows a white square instead of an expected X button.
I agree with cchiapa, those 'bullets' are just bullets expected to be seen on a list to most folks. They need to be more prominent, or better yet, at the end of each line.
There are a number such 'inconsistencies' that easily lead to user confusion.
Posts: 16504
griffnmt, do you see any other icons. Can you give a screenshot of that page as well as your home page?
Sounds like your browser isn't pulling the icon from the CSS correctly or it may be a side effect of being on Windows.
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Attachment 1 is the logon prompt as it appears (with my input added).
Attachment 2 is the same screen but with my mouse hovering over the top right corner to show a white square.
Attachment 3 is a sample display shown in IE8 native mode.
Attachment 4 is the same screen shown in IE8 compatibility mode. Note the misalignment of the right side items.
BTW, problems like that shown with attachments 1 and 2 are the same when using Firefox 3.0.11
Posts: 16504
First, upgrade to the latest experimental code:
That's the issue. The images called from CSS are not getting loaded. Don't know if it's your browser or server config. But looking at how things look there, the trash can would be easily visible and easy to figure out if it were showing up.
You should be seeing other icons and buttons on a default install:
Though if you upgrade to the latest code I believe there are some other issues with IE at the moment....
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Yes, upgrade to the latest experimental code. If it's still happening then we'll need to know more about your server config or get access to the site to take a look at paths, css, etc.
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OOPS, ignore this message if you just read it a few minutes ago -it was a case of RTFM
Posts: 16504
go to http://localhost/Gallery3/index.php/upgrader
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Ok, that seems to have fix a whole lot of 'problems' I was having.
Deleted all the albums/pics and dropped all but one server path and will start over.
My fingers are crossed !!!
Posts: 16504
I take it your icons are showing up now?
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Well the icons are all 16x16. This is the first time we have heard of this issue. So I will leave it on the back burner for now as most admins will understand where/what the icons are as they get familiar with the application.
Standard icon sizes are 16x16, 24x24 (rare), and 32x32.
It is not a trivial change to make the standard icon size bigger, one could develop a custom theme(s) for a larger icon set if needed.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 27300
from your screenshot ( http://gallery.menalto.com/files/Att3.jpg ) it looks like you have some breadcrumb issue a well. See if upgrading helps and if not try the rescue module and if that does ot help you will need to start over. Start a new thread if needed.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 128
By breadcrumbs, if you mean the list across the top of what should be pics inside the album, that seems to have gone away with the other minor issues. And the performance in some areas have picked up (page to page transitions for example).
One new nasty activity! that has popped up is the thumb nails being displayed in the 3 x 3 area start jumping all over the place as the mouse passes over each one. Hard to describe in words, but if no-one has seen this I will try a better description.
Posts: 16504
Welcome to IE and "standards compliant" NOT
It's a known problem and the dev team is working on it.
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Known issue if you are using IE browser.
See: http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/gallery/ticket/666
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 128
Just to make sure, here are two attachments that 'show' what happens. I don't have access to that previous link.
And you are right, it does not happen with Firefox. But since well over 80% of those gentle users have IE of some flavor, it is a fact of life now.
Attach1 is the original page.
Attach2 is after moving the mouse onto the album Early Stuff and then off of it.
Posts: 27300
griffinmt, view the movie on the ticket and you will see the behavior.
link fixed. Just change https to http in the future.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 27300
Help fix the http / https issue with SF:
help! vote!
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 128
This perhaps belongs on a new thread, but it seems the effects of adding a tag has changed. Prior to this experimental version, when adding several tags in one operation (seperated by space), they went in as individual entries. Now they go in as a single entry including the blanks. This makes the addition of each seperate tag a lot more work and overhead. It should also by default ignore any entry containing 'Add tag to photo' or 'Add tag to album' , which is possible now by mistake.
Posts: 16504
That behavior changed since B2 was released. I believe you have to use a comma to separate multiple tags now. Yep, just confirmed.
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Adding a comma is a "lot more work"? But you get the benefit of having multi word tags or phrases, importing tags from G2, tags to keywords from the EXIF/IPTC data etc.
The debate has gone on for some time:
Two tickets that relate:
I am sure the way it works now is the way it will work in the future.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 128
My remarks where made before I was aware that a comma could be used.
Any comments on filtering out the 'Add tag to photo' and 'Add tag to album' when the Add Tag button it hit by mistake?
Posts: 16504
I'm not sure what you mean. Oh wait, I see.
Oh good, looks like there's already a ticket for something similar:
I've added a comment about that text becoming a tag. Hopefully it all gets fixes when the focus issue is fixed.
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Thanks, makes me happy