How to use Gallery for Photo Contest


Joined: 2006-07-01
Posts: 15
Posted: Mon, 2009-09-28 14:54

Always been a fan of Gallery as an Online Photo Management solution, especially when it works so well with my Mac's iPhoto.

I am currently looking for a solution for a customer who wants to host a photo contest on the web. When anyone mentions photo on the web I think of Gallery but I'm not sure how Gallery would handle a photo contest.

The goal is to have "registered users" submit as many photos as they want but they can not vote for there own submissions (so cookie or ip based would prevent user from logging out and voting).

They want just one album that everyone uploads to and then on a page you would have thumbnails and one full image that you could click next through (no photo details, just vote and comment on each picture... of course comments from guests would require captcha).

Has anyone used Gallery as a Photo Contest tool?