"Error deleting page cache!" occurs when clicking "Clear Cache" of G2.3 on local system / xampp on Vista


Joined: 2008-01-16
Posts: 214
Posted: Wed, 2009-10-07 23:34

I am running G2.3 on my local system (on hard disk) on xampp on Vista.

When I try to clear the cache with "Clear Cache" in Gallery » Support » Cache Maintenance (http://localhost/lib/support/index.php?cache), this message occurs:

Error deleting page cache!

What can I do to clear the cache on xampp running on Vista?

When I try to access the main page (http://localhost/main.php) of the Gallery, a white page opens displaying "Error" in black letters in the left corner on top.

Nice greetings, Dirk

Gallery-Version = 2.3, on hard disk: xampp-win32-1.7.2, fully updated Vista Home Premium, all Service Packs

nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Wed, 2009-10-07 23:47

Sounds to me like the user Apache is running as doesn't have permission to delete stuff from your g2data directory and this:

a white page opens displaying "Error" in black letters in the left corner on top.

Sounds like your database isn't setup correctly or the user credentials are probably not right, but you can get a better idea by putting Gallery into debug mode and seeing what the error message has to say:
FAQ: How to set/use Gallery in debug mode?
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Joined: 2008-01-16
Posts: 214
Posted: Thu, 2009-10-08 08:27

Many thanks, nivekiam.

Sounds to me like the user Apache is running as doesn't have permission to delete stuff from your g2data directory

Where could I set / find out this?

Sounds like your database isn't setup correctly or the user credentials are probably not right

The user data, password etc. should be okay, I haven't found a false entry.

When I try to access the start page after having switched to debug mode, this message on white background displays occur:

Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in H:\Eigene Dateien\Software\Programme\xampp\htdocs\hps\die-fotogalerie.eu\modules\core\classes\GalleryUtilities.class on line 854

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at H:\Eigene Dateien\Software\Programme\xampp\htdocs\hps\die-fotogalerie.eu\modules\core\classes\GalleryUtilities.class:854) in H:\Eigene Dateien\Software\Programme\xampp\htdocs\hps\die-fotogalerie.eu\modules\core\classes\GalleryPhpVm.class on line 142

And doing this

When I try to clear the cache with "Clear Cache" in Gallery » Support » Cache Maintenance (http://localhost/lib/support/index.php?cache)

this messages occur:


Many thanks again, nice greetings, Dirk

Gallery-Version = 2.3, on hard disk: xampp-win32-1.7.2, fully updated Vista Home Premium, all Service Packs

nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Thu, 2009-10-08 13:23

Ah, the version of XAMPP you grabbed has PHP 5.3. You'll either need to figure out how to get PHP 5.2.x in there or downgrade to XAMPP 1.7.1:

Or switch from G2 to G3 :) But G3 may not yet have the functionality you're looking for...
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Joined: 2008-01-16
Posts: 214
Posted: Thu, 2009-10-08 20:52

Argh...a php version, which is too new...thanks nivekiam,

That would be the first time of my life, that I downgrade a program...and thanks for the links...

Or I will wait for...for...G3 to have the functions I would like to use...guess, that could take a very long time...

So that means, sometime, when the php version running on the server I have webspace on will be updated to php 5.3 or higher, I cannot use G2.3 anymore...?...

Many thanks for your help, nice greetings, Dirk

Gallery-Version = 2.3, on hard disk: xampp-win32-1.7.2, fully updated Vista Home Premium, all Service Packs

nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Thu, 2009-10-08 21:21
So that means, sometime, when the php version running on the server I have webspace on will be updated to php 5.3 or higher, I cannot use G2.3 anymore...?...

Correct, or most likely, if you host if of any value and quality, they'll offer the older version and run them side by side. A quality host will know that not all software will be compatible. My host for instance made a huge deal about upgrading from PHP 3 to 4 and again from 4 to 5, giving people tons of time to get their apps updated or find new ones or even leaving the ancient versions of PHP available.

You could also go through G2 and find what needs to be updated to work with PHP 5.3
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Joined: 2008-01-16
Posts: 214
Posted: Thu, 2009-10-08 21:58

Thanks nivekiam,

Yes, I guess my hoster is a quite good one...and about upcoming updates would be informed...

Okay, so may be I will install a G2.3 test version on the server...

You could also go through G2 and find what needs to be updated to work with PHP 5.3

Okay, I will have a look.

Many thanks, nice greetings, Dirk

Gallery-Version = 2.3, on hard disk: xampp-win32-1.7.2, fully updated Vista Home Premium, all Service Packs