Specific privileges to the items


Joined: 2009-05-12
Posts: 2
Posted: Wed, 2009-11-18 17:29

I'm running Gallery 2.3 and I'd like to allow specific group of users to change title, subtitle, keywords and description of items but not anything else. Can anyone help me please?


Joined: 2006-08-01
Posts: 4342
Posted: Wed, 2009-11-18 22:52

I have a feeling that the G2 permissions systems isn't that fine-grained, so you may be in for either a) a great deal of programming or b) have to give up on that.

nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Wed, 2009-11-18 22:56

It is a PITA to do something like that. You need to get into editing templates and other files under /modules/core/

If you search the forums people have posted hacks to do this. But in essence you're just hiding this stuff from the UI, if someone wants or is malicious and has permissions to edit/delete stuff they can do that by entering in the proper URL.
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Joined: 2009-05-12
Posts: 2
Posted: Thu, 2009-11-19 10:20

Thank you for your responses.