albumselect simple list box model and customize the code slightly


Joined: 2009-11-19
Posts: 5
Posted: Fri, 2009-11-20 07:13

Dear Team,

I have used album select block in my G2 . I need to customize my code.

Currently I have modified the simple list box model to display my album names in 3*3 matrix format. I need to display the no of items in the album in addition>
Kindly let me know a solution.

I have modified the below file to display the 3*3 matrix format by removing the select box code and replaced by this

File Name: modules\albumselect\templates\blocks\AlbumSelect.tpl

$this->assign('cats_per_col', 4);
<table border="0" width='100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>

{foreach name=tree from=$data.tree item=node}
{if $smarty.foreach.tree.iteration mod $cats_per_col eq 1}<tr>{/if}

<td valign="top"><img alt="" src="/gallery/modules/albumselect/images/imgfolder.gif" id="ialbumTree1"/> &nbsp;<a href="{$data.links[$]}">{$data.titles[$]}</a></td>
{if $smarty.foreach.tree.iteration mod $cats_per_col eq 0}</tr>{/if}

current format:

Album1 album2 album3
Album4 album5 album6
Album7 album8 album9

Needed Format:

Album1(12) album2(15) album3(25)
Album4(3) album5(34) album6(31)
Album7(5) album8(15) album9(32)

