How do I add api support to gallery2


Joined: 2008-05-05
Posts: 68
Posted: Tue, 2009-12-08 15:48

I want to upload photo via ( is a simple and FREE service that makes updating your social networks a snap!),so can you support it or create a module for it.

Here's script,but I'm not sure list of variables sent with a Custom URL post to input so that it works upload photos to my gallery2.

All data is contained within POST variables.
method - The method of the message being sent (blog, microblog, status).
title - If method is "blog" then this contain the blog's title.
message - The posted message content.
location - Any location updates posted with the message. This is plaintext, verbatim from the posting interface.
media - If media is posted, this will contain a URL to the media file.
raw_message - If media is posted, this will contain the posted message WITHOUT the hosted media link (i.e.
trigger - If you post a message with a custom trigger (, it will show here.



$email = "

$subject = " Custom URL Post";
$body = "You've pinged a message!\n\n";
$body .= "Method: {$_POST["method"]}\n";

if($_POST["title"] != ""){
$body .= "Title: {$_POST["title"]}\n";

$body .= "Message: " .stripslashes($_POST["message"]) ."\n";

if($_POST["location"] != ""){
$body .= "Location: {$_POST["location"]}\n";

if($_POST["media"] != ""){
$body .= "\nExtra media variables:\n\n";
$body .= "Raw Message: {$_POST["raw_message"]}\n";
$body .= "Media URL: {$_POST["media"]}\n";

if($_POST["trigger"] != ""){
$body .= "Trigger: {$_POST["trigger"]}\n";

$body .= "\nThanks for playing!";

if(count($_POST) > 0){
mail($email, $subject, $body, "From: \" Custom URL Sample\" <>");


I need help in setting this up to work with remote gallery2 api.
Any ideas?

ping.php_.txt815 bytes

Joined: 2006-08-01
Posts: 4342
Posted: Tue, 2009-12-08 16:52
so can you support it or create a module for it.

Development on G2 is finished.

For both G2 and G3 you'll either have to write a module that supports the protocol yourself, pay someone to do it, or hope that there is someone sufficiently interested and knowledgeable to do the work for you.

The chances of a member of the development team wanting to is sufficiently remote that it's not worth pursuing, but someone in the user community might. I wouldn't hold out a lot of hope, most people write modules that they themselves want rather than take on suggestions from others.

Your best bet is to learn to program in php (if you can't already), learn the G2 (or G3) API, and get writing...