Making photos uncopyable
Joined: 2010-01-06
Posts: 3 |
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Is there a way ( a plugin or something) in order to make my photographs uncopyable, so no one can copy and past or drag and drop? |
Posts: 4342
It's not possible. Once a picture is displayed in your browser it's on your computer. You can *always* find it in the browser cache, look in the html source for the direct download url, or simply take a screenshot with the printscrn button. Always.
Posts: 21
What alecmyers says is true.
There are some HTML codes, that can prevent the 'Save as..' function for example.
Even downloaded files will then have their images encrypted.
And there are some JavaScripts on the internet that block the print-screen function too.
But, most of them are only working for IE, never working when the user disables JavaScripts
and someone who really wants that specific image can always scan their whole
drive for the cache file, which will always be somewhere on the harddisk.
Or like even Protman says, who offers a paid solution named HTML Guardian:
HTML Guardian - FAQ
So yes, you can give a lot of people a hard time if you are willing to either spend some time or money on it.
But I am afraid that it will always be impossible to keep everyone from taking what they want.
Drive By Radio : American Urban
Posts: 21
By the way, I haven't come to play around with it yet, but have you considered using the
Watermark plugin that you can download fromout the Gallery?
Drive By Radio : American Urban
Posts: 3
I haven't tried that plugin, where can I find it?
Posts: 16504
It comes with Gallery (at least I'm pretty sure it comes with the "typical" download).
Go to Site Admin > Plugins
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Posts: 3
Since we are using a watermark now , how do you prevent them from downloading it period! no zip archive no drag drop etc..?
Jean Andre Vallery
Calexico, California
Posts: 16504
Easy, don't post your content to a public format, like a website, or any other place anyone but you can look at it
Simply put, you can't prevent it.
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Posts: 3
That doesn't really help if you are a freelance photographer and therefore have to have a portfolio for people to see.
Posts: 3
I agree. I'm leaning towards using flash to curtail the people who don't have the skill to convert swf back to fla
example is
However creating a flash slideshow to embed into the main page might work as well working on webpage at my testserver for using modx and embeding the flash into the page the flash on the webpage isn't a slideshow but just testing using flash
any ideas let me know
Jean Andre Vallery
Calexico, California
Posts: 8339
I have an image loader.swf that can load and display an image of any size. <- it was a demonstration I used a while back to display the thumbs, but could easily be used in photo.tpl as well.
I also have a slideshow.
And also slideshow pro can be used
FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with The E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2
Posts: 4342
You don't need any skill, regardless of flash, swf, uncle-tom-cobbleigh or anything else. You just need the print-screen button, and the windows Paint program (included free with all windows since the dawn of time.)
Unfortunately the reality of the architecture of the WWW is such that whether you are a freelance photographer, a software developer, or the King of Siam - anything that you want people to see on a computer screen can be copied and saved. You just have to learn to deal with it - as the rest of us have done. Stop wasting time, and find something more constructive to worry about!
Posts: 3
thank you everyone for your time and positive attitudes. I will continue to learn and not worry
Jean Andre Vallery
Calexico, California