ORM Validation has failed for items model


Joined: 2007-05-09
Posts: 263
Posted: Wed, 2010-03-03 19:46

Hi Davert, Yes I had several bad image files in which I just saved and deleted from gallery, This just made import stall at the starting up screen. The file I speaking off is the git pull of g2Import.php, When I try to copy and paste the php text it corrupts, and i see no way to download the file?
I took most of my database of photos like 50 at a time and bulk "Save for the web which strips all exif info as i dont display exif on my site...


Joined: 2009-01-22
Posts: 81
Posted: Wed, 2010-03-03 20:15

You could try copying into a text editor such as TextWrangler, WordPad, etc., saving, then uploading. That should work. I did just copy and then paste using Nano (Pico clone).

giorgos's picture

Joined: 2002-08-19
Posts: 115
Posted: Thu, 2010-03-04 20:18

Does someone figure out this one? Quite general error

exception 'ORM_Validation_Exception' with message 'ORM Validation has failed for items model' in /htdocs/gallery3/system/libraries/ORM_Validation_Exception.php:20
Stack trace:
#0 /gallery3/system/libraries/ORM.php(755): ORM_Validation_Exception_Core::handle_validation('items', Object(Validation))
#1 /htdocs/gallery3/modules/gallery/models/item.php(755): ORM_Core->validate(NULL)
#2 /htdocs/gallery3/system/libraries/ORM.php(778): Item_Model->validate()
#3 /htdocs/gallery3/modules/gallery/libraries/MY_ORM.php(23): ORM_Core->save()
#4 /htdocs/gallery3/modules/gallery/libraries/ORM_MPTT.php(76): ORM->save()
#5 /htdocs/gallery3/modules/gallery/models/item.php(386): ORM_MPTT_Core->save()
#6 /htdocs/gallery3/modules/g2_import/helpers/g2_import.php(412): Item_Model->save()
#7 /htdocs/gallery3/modules/g2_import/helpers/g2_import_task.php(130): g2_import_Core::import_album(Array)
#8 [internal function]: g2_import_task_Core::import(Object(Task_Model))
#9 /htdocs/gallery3/modules/gallery/helpers/task.php(90): call_user_func_array('g2_import_task:...', Array)
#10 /htdocs/gallery3/modules/gallery/controllers/admin_maintenance.php(186): task_Core::run('6')
#11 [internal function]: Admin_Maintenance_Controller->run('6')
#12 /htdocs/gallery3/modules/gallery/controllers/admin.php(57): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#13 [internal function]: Admin_Controller->__call('maintenance', Array)
#14 /htdocs/gallery3/system/core/Kohana.php(330): ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs(Object(Admin_Controller), Array)
#15 [internal function]: Kohana_Core::instance(NULL)
#16 /htdocs/gallery3/system/core/Event.php(208): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#17 /htdocs/gallery3/application/Bootstrap.php(67): Event_Core::run('system.execute')
#18 /htdocs/gallery3/index.php(91): require('/...')
#19 {main}



Joined: 2009-01-22
Posts: 81
Posted: Thu, 2010-03-04 20:51

Regarding the EXIF issue, I finally got over that simply by going to the line where the error occurred, commenting out the error handler, and setting the variable equal to "Cannot access EXIF data." It's a lossy way of getting around it but at least it was finally able to index everything.

Re giorgos' problem, see my post on 2009-01-22 in this thread on enabling debugging via the local.php file described elsewhere on this site, then checked the log and discovered the image number it was choking on; then think I deleted references to that images from all tables in G2.

giorgos's picture

Joined: 2002-08-19
Posts: 115
Posted: Fri, 2010-03-05 07:29

Thanks davert, I enable debug via config.php ($config["log_threshold"] = 4; ) but log output remain the same. What you mean local.php?



Joined: 2009-01-22
Posts: 81
Posted: Fri, 2010-03-05 13:18

You can set up a file named local.php -- it's in the codex somewhere - I found that provided better debugging than the config.php thing.