Troubleshooting YSlow Results


Joined: 2005-04-10
Posts: 23
Posted: Mon, 2010-02-01 22:49

Ran my G2 installation through YSlow and got the following results that I cannot solve:

1. Make fewer HTTP requests
a. This page has 4 external Javascript scripts. Try combining them into one.
b. This page has 4 external stylesheets. Try combining them into one.
c. This page has 8 external background images. Try combining them with CSS sprites. (I don't think anyone can fix that)

2. Add Expires headers. There are static components without a far-future expiration date.
a. (no expires) /gallery2/modules/core/data/gallery.css
b. (no expires) /gallery2/themes/matrix/theme.css
c. (no expires) /gallery2/themes/matrix/images/nav_next.gif
d. (no expires) /gallery2/themes/matrix/images/nav_last.gif
e. (no expires) /gallery2/modules/imageframe/frames/shadow/RRT.png
f. (no expires) /gallery2/modules/imageframe/frames/shadow/RR.png
g. (no expires) /gallery2/modules/imageframe/frames/shadow/BBL.png
h. (no expires) /gallery2/modules/imageframe/frames/shadow/BB.png
i. (no expires) /gallery2/modules/imageframe/frames/shadow/BR.png
j. (no expires) /gallery2/modules/tags/images/TagAdd.png
k. (no expires) /gallery2/images/galleryLogo_sm.gif

3. Compress components with gzip. There are plain text components that should be sent compressed:
a. /gallery2/main.php
b. /gallery2/main.php?g2_view=imageframe.CSS&g2_frames=shadow
c. /gallery2/modules/core/data/gallery.css
d. /gallery2/main.php?g2_view=tags.TagCloudCss
e. /gallery2/themes/matrix/theme.css
f. /gallery2/main.php?g2_view=core.ItemDeleteJs&g2_lang=en_US
g. /gallery2/main.php?g2_view=slideshow.DownloadPicLens&g2_file=js&g2_v=

4. Put JavaScript at bottom. There are Javacript scripts found in the head of the document:
a. /gallery2/main.php?g2_view=core.CombinedJavascript&g2_key=9c030e68b6695dc9d495d0abd80d0a86
b. /gallery2/main.php?g2_view=core.ItemDeleteJs&g2_lang=en_US
c. /gallery2/main.php?g2_view=core.CombinedJavascript&g2_key=c5557d4b1ecb681b06d636f15843d021
d. /gallery2/main.php?g2_view=slideshow.DownloadPicLens&g2_file=js&g2_v=

5. Avoid CSS expressions. There are a total of 2 expressions
a. /gallery2/themes/matrix/theme.css

Has this been looked at by someone already? Does anyone have ideas where to begin?