Album - Unable to create a thumbnail for this item


Joined: 2010-02-04
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2010-02-04 22:29

Does anyone know why I can create a thumbnail size for albums and then not others? I get the error 'Unable to create a thumbnail for this item' even though the movies within the album have already got thumbnails. The permissions on all folders/files are the same.

This is exactly what happened. I have a folder with two movies, both of which have thumbnails. The album also used one of the thumbnails for display, so everything was working as it should. Next I imported three more movies locally, the thumbs all generated fine for each of them. So now the folder has 5 movies, all with thumbs. I deleted one of the movies, the first one, and now the album won't use any of the four remaining thumbs for album display. I try to edit the album and where it says "Thumbnail" it is blank. I try to put in the default size and it says Unable to create a thumbnail for this item.

If I go and add a new album to the gallery and import some files it works as it should and the album uses one of the thumbs for display.

So whats up with that, anyone?

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