Hello Everyone!
I have been trying to disable right clicking on Gallery's albums. Everything I have tried has not worked. I have read and read and read a gazillion web pages on how to do it and still can't get it to work.
I have tried disabling right click on actual web pages. No go. I have added java script to the theme.tpl (first making a new folder 'local' and saving a copy of the theme.tpl page into it). no go.
This is so very frustrating. In creating the 'perfect' Gallery somehow the creators made it incredibly complicated.
Can anyone tell me step by step how to disable right clicking, telling me where the affected folders can be found and where I am to place everything within the code? I am using the Matrix theme. Please anyone?
It is Gallery2 v. 2.2.5
Thank you,
Posts: 4342
You haven't done a search in this forum, have you
? This topic has been done to death, again, and again, and again. There is absolutely NO POINT in trying to do this, it achieves nothing whatsoever. Please search the forum for previous discussions on this topic. I am going to lock this thread, if you have questions please use one of the other threads referring to the same thing.