I have written a new payment gateway module partially based on the paypal module. What is the purpose of the GalleryCheckoutPaypalIPNHelper? I can see that this class saves some data received from paypal, but I cannot find where this data can is readable by the user.
In my case I receive data back from the payment gateway in the IPN message: name, surname of the payer as it was returned from the online banking system, payment mode- name of the online banking system, webmoney account or other payment collecting organisation, such as supermarket chain. I would like to have an ability to see these data somewhere. I write the data in the same way as in paypal module, but how an administrator can read these data?
Posts: 4342
The class isn't used at present. It doesn't set any data though, it just returns it.
If you're using checkoutpaypal as a model, make sure to use
instead of
which is a historical defect in checkoutpaypal that would need to be fixed before you can do much useful with the IPNData that's recorded. I haven't done this because I can't think of anything useful to do with the data, at present. But that may change in the future.