I have integrated my Gallery 2.3.1 into the Wordpress 2.9.2 using the WPG2.3.0.7 . all seems to work perfect including URL rewrite (G2) and permalinks (WP). I put in my blog sidebar a widget that can show me the newest or random images.
however my Gallery 2 is a multiuser gallery (like 30 users and growing).
is that any way to show the newest images only for a specific user ?
Posts: 71
i have found a different solution
i use a plugin who let you write php code in the sidebar http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/php-code-widget/ and use the external image module of G2. http://codex.gallery2.org/Gallery2:How_To_Use_The_External_Image_Block_When_url_fopen_Is_Disabled
example of my code with (a G2 gallery included in phpBB forum):
this code show the last 2 images in 100px of a specific user. the "5812" from the link is the number of the main album of that user.