I have almost all set up but I can't finish Gallery configuration in Drupal. I am at page /admin/settings/gallery
Before I proceed step 5: Initial User Synchronization I have my Install status as bellow:
PHP Memory Limit OK Your PHP is configured to limit the memory to 148M (memory_limit parameter in php.ini). This should be fine for embedded Gallery2 operation.
Gallery2 locations OK The Gallery2 location settings appear to be correct.
Drupal Modules / Gallery2 Plugins Advisory You may have some loss in functionality in your embedded Gallery2 (see below for details). You should check the details and if the functionality is not important for your site you can just ignore this.
Clean URL / URL Rewrite OK There is a writable .htaccess file in your defined Drupal directory (/home/www/kduslapanice.cz/beta/gallery2/). Your 'Show Item' rule should start with 'gallery/'. Make sure to change the URL Rewrite rule(s) accordingly.
Initial User Synchronization Error
Critical errors are present.
Then if I do Sync users/groups it returns (after some delay with progress bar showing): User synchronization successfully completed. BUT I still do not have it configured!!! No idea what's wrong but my Install Status is the same as at the beginning:
PHP Memory Limit OK Your PHP is configured to limit the memory to 148M (memory_limit parameter in php.ini). This should be fine for embedded Gallery2 operation.
Gallery2 locations Error
Drupal Modules / Gallery2 Plugins Warning
Clean URL / URL Rewrite Warning
Initial User Synchronization Error
Critical errors are present.
And the same I get if I try to Skip sync.
There is nothing strange in both Drupal and web server log.
I have only one (and the same) user in Drupal and Gallery2.
Gallery2 is ver. 2.3.1 and Drupal 6.16
Thanks for any idea.
Posts: 2
Posts: 1
I have the same problem. After running cron.php, gallery2-Module was installed.
But, i cann't edit any settings "Gallery settings --> General". I can edit "Filter" and "G2Image", but not the "General" settings
Second, if i logged out as Administrator and I'm a guest on my website, i have not premmision to use(show any embbed gallery block.
Posts: 3
I got the same error, but even after manually running the cron, this error is still there
Here are the steps I follow:
1. access to the gallery settings page which initially displays this:
2. after adjusting settings 2 to 4, I get this:
3. I run the initial user sync, which correctly inserts my Drupal users into the g2_User table and finishes successfully (I have 1 more user in my g2_User than in my drp_users table, as guest is not in Drupal)
4. I am redirected to the gallery settings page, which displays me the same as on step 1 (with the message "User synchronization successfully completed." on top, but it doesn't help much).
If, on step 3, I choose to skip the initial user sync, I get the same result on step 4.
Manually running the cron doesn't change anything to the result.
I'm using drupal 6.17 and gallery 2.3 (full package), with the stable version of the gallery2 module.
I have about 800 Drupal users, and my Gallery2 is a fresh install.
I tried to install Gallery2 inside the Drupal install or in another directory (Drupal is not at the root of the domain), and got the same result in both cases.
Has anybody any idea about this issue?
Posts: 3
Oops, sorry, I have just seen that this issue is linked to Drupal 6 latest versions (16 & 17).
See this discussion: http://drupal.org/node/734716
Posts: 3
I have tested again on a fresh install of Drupal 6.17, and Gallery can be configured there with no problem. On my recently upgraded 6.17 production installation, I can't get it configured, although I tried several workarounds, including disabling all modules, completely uninstalling the gallery module, and restarting from scratch (with the production data).
Is there any way to "force" the configuration? After the configuration has been processed, everything seems to be ok: my Drupal .htaccess contains the Gallery rules, all users have been configured, I don't understand why it wouldn't work.
Posts: 1
Hey guys, it's a while since this was posted - anybody know if it's fixed in Drupal 7?