Error Upgrading 2.3.0 -> 2.3.1 MISSING_OBJECT


Joined: 2010-03-23
Posts: 6
Posted: Wed, 2010-03-24 15:28


I've completed the upgrade to the last version but my script remains in "maintenance mode" and if i try to do a manual login i receive this message:

Item not found.

Back to the Gallery
Error Detail -

* in modules/core/classes/GalleryStorage/GalleryStorageExtras.class at line 167 (GalleryCoreApi::error)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryStorage.class at line 314 (GalleryStorageExtras::loadEntities)
* in modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryEntityHelper_simple.class at line 71 (GalleryStorage::loadEntities)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryCoreApi.class at line 2361 (GalleryEntityHelper_simple::loadEntitiesById)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryTheme.class at line 1291 (GalleryCoreApi::loadEntitiesById)
* in themes/carbon/ at line 177 (GalleryTheme::loadCommonTemplateData)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryTheme.class at line 932 (CarbonTheme::showAlbumPage)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryView.class at line 301 (GalleryTheme::loadTemplate)
* in main.php at line 465 (GalleryView::doLoadTemplate)
* in main.php at line 104
* in main.php at line 88

System Information

Gallery version 2.3.1
PHP version 5.2.13 cgi
Webserver Apache/2.2
Database mysqlt 5.0.82sp1-log
Toolkits ImageMagick, NetPBM, Gd
Operating system Linux 2.6.18-164.11.1.el5PAE #1 SMP Wed Jan 20 08:16:13 EST 2010 i686
Browser Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; it; rv: Gecko/20100316 Firefox/3.6.2 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)

And this is the Debug Mode report:
Debug Output
file_exists(/web/htdocs/ file_exists(/web/htdocs/ getParameter modrewrite.galleryLocation for rewrite plugin file_exists(/web/htdocs/ getParameter shortUrls for rewrite plugin getParameter session.lifetime for core plugin file_exists(/web/htdocs/ getParameter session.inactivityTimeout for core plugin (mysqlt): SET NAMES "utf8" (mysqlt): SELECT g2_Schema.g_info FROM g2_PluginMap, g2_Schema WHERE g2_PluginMap.g_pluginId = g2_Schema.g_pluginId AND g2_Schema.g_type = 'map' AND g2_PluginMap.g_active = 1 (mysqlt): SELECT g_userId, g_remoteIdentifier, g_creationTimestamp, g_modificationTimestamp, g_data FROM g2_SessionMap WHERE g_id='67d028e905daeb2adb76888f8800a7d8' getParameter cookie.domain for core plugin getParameter cookie.path for core plugin getParameter session.lifetime for core plugin getParameter language.useBrowserPref for core plugin getParameter default.language for core plugin controller core.UserLogin, view Loading plugin core Class not defined, trying to include it. file_exists(/web/htdocs/ core plugin successfully instantiated file_exists(/web/htdocs/ file(/web/htdocs/, ) getParameter id.anonymousUser for core plugin [1269445604] can't guarantee 5 -- extending! file_exists(/web/htdocs/ Loading plugin core core plugin successfully instantiated Check the version of the core plugin file_exists(/web/htdocs/ The version of the core plugin is ok file_exists(/web/htdocs/ (mysqlt): SELECT g_count, g_lastAttempt FROM g2_FailedLoginsMap WHERE g_userName='pepo' (mysqlt): SELECT g2_User.g_id FROM g2_User WHERE g2_User.g_userName = 'pepo' file_exists(/web/htdocs/ getParameter validation.level for core plugin (mysqlt): SET AUTOCOMMIT=0 (mysqlt): BEGIN (mysqlt): DELETE FROM g2_FailedLoginsMap WHERE g_userName='pepo' getParameter cookie.domain for core plugin getParameter session.lifetime for core plugin Loading plugin core core plugin successfully instantiated Check the version of the core plugin The version of the core plugin is ok getParameter id.anonymousUser for core plugin (mysqlt): SET NAMES "utf8" (mysqlt): INSERT INTO g2_SessionMap (g_id, g_userId, g_remoteIdentifier, g_creationTimestamp, g_modificationTimestamp, g_data) VALUES ('79edcab86298b936a835d7891832168d',4399,'a:2:{i:0;s:15:\"\";i:1;s:32:\"fb2190bde05b55ebc76cb2dbb6752eb4\";}',1269445605,1269445605,'a:1:{s:13:\"core.language\";s:5:\"it_IT\";}') getParameter session.lifetime for core plugin Loading plugin core core plugin successfully instantiated Check the version of the core plugin The version of the core plugin is ok file_exists(/web/htdocs/ getParameter acceleration for core plugin getParameter id.anonymousUser for core plugin getParameter smarty.compile_check for core plugin getParameter id.anonymousUser for core plugin getParameter id.adminGroup for core plugin (mysqlt): SELECT g_userId FROM g2_UserGroupMap WHERE g_userId=4399 AND g_groupId=3 LIMIT 1 getParameter id.anonymousUser for core plugin getParameter id.rootAlbum for core plugin (mysqlt): SELECT g2_Group.g_id, g2_Group.g_groupName FROM g2_UserGroupMap, g2_Group WHERE g2_Group.g_id = g2_UserGroupMap.g_groupId AND g2_UserGroupMap.g_userId = 5 ORDER BY g2_Group.g_groupName LIMIT 2147483647 (mysqlt): SELECT g_module, g_permission, g_description, g_bits, g_flags FROM g2_PermissionSetMap (mysqlt): SELECT DISTINCT g2_AccessMap.g_accessListId FROM g2_AccessMap WHERE g2_AccessMap.g_userOrGroupId IN (5,4) AND g2_AccessMap.g_permission & 1 = 1 (mysqlt): SELECT g_itemId FROM g2_AccessSubscriberMap WHERE g_itemId=7 AND g_accessListId IN (2746,2423,2740,2748,3787,4954,5140,5245,5415,5518,5596,5731,5819,5935,6034,6124,6370,6487,6584,6663,6834) LIMIT 1 getParameter id.rootAlbum for core plugin file_exists(/web/htdocs/ (mysqlt): SELECT g2_Group.g_id, g2_Group.g_groupName FROM g2_UserGroupMap, g2_Group WHERE g2_Group.g_id = g2_UserGroupMap.g_groupId AND g2_UserGroupMap.g_userId = 4399 ORDER BY g2_Group.g_groupName LIMIT 2147483647 (mysqlt): SELECT DISTINCT g2_AccessMap.g_accessListId FROM g2_AccessMap WHERE g2_AccessMap.g_userOrGroupId IN (4399,3,4,2) AND g2_AccessMap.g_permission & 1 = 1 (mysqlt): SELECT g_itemId FROM g2_AccessSubscriberMap WHERE g_itemId=7 AND g_accessListId IN (2746,2423,2421,2740,2748,2747,3787,4954,5140,5245,5415,5518,5596,5731,5819,5935,6034,6124,6370,6487,6584,6663,6834) LIMIT 1 getParameter default.theme for core plugin Loading plugin carbon Class not defined, trying to include it. file_exists(/web/htdocs/ carbon plugin successfully instantiated Check the version of the carbon plugin file_exists(/web/htdocs/ The version of the carbon plugin is ok file_exists(/web/htdocs/ file_exists(/web/htdocs/ file_exists(/web/htdocs/ (mysqlt): SELECT g_itemId FROM g2_AccessSubscriberMap WHERE g_itemId=7 AND g_accessListId IN (2746,2423,2421,2740,2748,2747,3787,4954,5140,5245,5415,5518,5596,5731,5819,5935,6034,6124,6370,6487,6584,6663,6834) LIMIT 1 (mysqlt): UPDATE g2_ItemAttributesMap SET g_viewCount = g2_ItemAttributesMap.g_viewCount + 1 WHERE g_itemId=7 getParameter misc.markup for core plugin file_exists(/web/htdocs/ file_exists(/web/htdocs/ file_exists(/web/htdocs/ file_exists(/web/htdocs/ file_exists(/web/htdocs/ file_exists(/web/htdocs/ Loading plugin imageframe Class not defined, trying to include it. file_exists(/web/htdocs/ imageframe plugin successfully instantiated Check the version of the imageframe plugin The version of the imageframe plugin is ok is_dir(/web/htdocs/ file_exists(/web/htdocs/ file_exists(/web/htdocs/ file_exists(/web/htdocs/ getParameter iconpack for icons plugin file_exists(/web/htdocs/ getParameter default.orderBy for core plugin getParameter default.orderDirection for core plugin (mysqlt): SELECT g2_ChildEntity.g_id, g2_ItemAttributesMap.g_orderWeight FROM g2_ChildEntity INNER JOIN g2_ItemAttributesMap ON g2_ChildEntity.g_id = g2_ItemAttributesMap.g_itemId INNER JOIN g2_Item ON g2_ChildEntity.g_id = g2_Item.g_id INNER JOIN g2_AccessSubscriberMap ON g2_ChildEntity.g_id = g2_AccessSubscriberMap.g_itemId WHERE g2_ChildEntity.g_parentId = 7 AND g2_AccessSubscriberMap.g_accessListId IN (2746,2423,2421,2740,2748,2747,3787,4954,5140,5245,5415,5518,5596,5731,5819,5935,6034,6124,6370,6487,6584,6663,6834) ORDER BY g2_ItemAttributesMap.g_orderWeight, g2_ChildEntity.g_id LIMIT 25 (mysqlt): SELECT g2_ChildEntity.g_parentId, COUNT(g2_ChildEntity.g_id) FROM g2_ChildEntity, g2_AccessSubscriberMap WHERE g2_ChildEntity.g_parentId IN (7) AND g2_AccessSubscriberMap.g_itemId = g2_ChildEntity.g_id AND g2_AccessSubscriberMap.g_accessListId IN (2746,2423,2421,2740,2748,2747,3787,4954,5140,5245,5415,5518,5596,5731,5819,5935,6034,6124,6370,6487,6584,6663,6834) GROUP BY g2_ChildEntity.g_parentId getParameter acceleration for core plugin getParameter id.anonymousUser for core plugin Loading plugin core core plugin successfully instantiated Check the version of the core plugin The version of the core plugin is ok file_exists(/web/htdocs/ file_exists(/web/htdocs/ file_exists(/web/htdocs/ file_exists(/web/htdocs/ file_exists(/web/htdocs/ file_exists(/web/htdocs/ (mysqlt): SELECT g2_AccessSubscriberMap.g_itemId, BIT_OR(g2_AccessMap.g_permission) FROM g2_AccessMap, g2_AccessSubscriberMap WHERE g2_AccessSubscriberMap.g_itemId IN (3786,889,1490,1233,816,5818) AND g2_AccessSubscriberMap.g_accessListId = g2_AccessMap.g_accessListId AND g2_AccessMap.g_userOrGroupId IN (4399,3,4,2) GROUP BY g2_AccessSubscriberMap.g_itemId [1269445606] can't guarantee 30 -- extending! (mysqlt): SELECT g_parentSequence FROM g2_ItemAttributesMap WHERE g_itemId=7 file_exists(/web/htdocs/ file_exists(/web/htdocs/ (mysqlt): SELECT g_id, g_entityType FROM g2_Entity WHERE g_id IN (6,62) (mysqlt): SELECT g2_Schema.g_info FROM g2_PluginMap, g2_Schema WHERE g2_PluginMap.g_pluginId = g2_Schema.g_pluginId AND g2_Schema.g_type = 'entity' AND g2_PluginMap.g_active = 1 (mysqlt): SELECT g2_User.g_userName, g2_User.g_fullName, g2_User.g_hashedPassword, g2_User.g_email, g2_User.g_language, g2_User.g_locked, g2_Entity.g_id, g2_Entity.g_creationTimestamp, g2_Entity.g_isLinkable, g2_Entity.g_linkId, g2_Entity.g_modificationTimestamp, g2_Entity.g_serialNumber, g2_Entity.g_entityType, g2_Entity.g_onLoadHandlers FROM g2_User, g2_Entity WHERE g2_User.g_id IN (6,62) AND g2_Entity.g_id=g2_User.g_id getParameter id.adminGroup for core plugin getParameter default.theme for core plugin Loading plugin carbon carbon plugin successfully instantiated Check the version of the carbon plugin The version of the carbon plugin is ok Loading plugin core core plugin successfully instantiated Check the version of the core plugin The version of the core plugin is ok getParameter id.adminGroup for core plugin realpath(/web/htdocs/ realpath(/web/htdocs/ (mysqlt): SELECT g_mimeType, g_toolkitId, g_priority FROM g2_TkOperatnMimeTypeMap WHERE g_operationName='thumbnail' ORDER BY g_mimeType ASC, g_priority ASC (mysqlt): SELECT g_itemId FROM g2_AccessSubscriberMap WHERE g_itemId=7 AND g_accessListId IN (2746,2423,2421,2740,2748,2747,3787,4954,5140,5245,5415,5518,5596,5731,5819,5935,6034,6124,6370,6487,6584,6663,6834) LIMIT 1 getParameter default.theme for core plugin Loading plugin carbon carbon plugin successfully instantiated Check the version of the carbon plugin The version of the carbon plugin is ok file_exists(/web/htdocs/ is_dir(/web/htdocs/ file_exists(/web/htdocs/ is_writeable(/web/htdocs/ file_exists(/web/htdocs/ file_exists(/web/htdocs/ file_exists(/web/htdocs/