Directory does not exist. Please create


Joined: 2010-04-05
Posts: 2
Posted: Mon, 2010-04-05 23:54

The following information is required to get an answer:
Get this information from the PHP diagnostic (in the configuration wizard).
Gallery URL (optional but very useful)
Gallery version:1.5.10
Apache version:2.2.3
PHP version (don't just say PHP 4, please):5.2.11
Graphics Toolkit:netbpm
Operating system:windows 7
Web browser/version (if applicable): firefox 3.6.3

I have seen this error reported by other users and tried all suggestions but still get nowhere. I am entering the path as website/gallery/albums. Have tried a leading forward slash, all backwards slashes etc. I have chmod 777 this directory and the server reports success however in Filezilla the folder still shows 750. I have no idea why this should be. I have tried to change the permissions both with the graphical interface of Filezilla and with site chmod command.

I realise you no longer support this version so any help is much appreciated.

nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Tue, 2010-04-06 04:30

So the only error message is "Directory does not exist."? Does this happen when creating an album? If you've chmodded to 777, but Filezilla still shows it as 750, I wonder if your host has something setup to prevent you from setting something to 777. Try 770.
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Joined: 2010-04-05
Posts: 2
Posted: Thu, 2010-04-08 13:31

Spoke to my host and they do not allow CHMOD 777. 755 is the most they will allow. I am wondering now whether I can get any version of Gallery working. It looks like just what I need so this is frustrating. I only want to display my own stuff though rather than let others upload although controlling what users can access by password would be very useful.

My host passes all the tests when install begins and if I go for version 2 (or 3?) they have MySQL too. But I am assuming CHMOD 777 will be needed with all versions. I will ask that question in the other forums.

Thanks for your help

nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Thu, 2010-04-08 14:56

777 is only needed if the web server runs as "nobody" or something like that. 775 is a special configuration and 755 must mean (hopefully) that they have the webserver set to run as you.

The permissions need to be set such that the webserver can read and write to the files and directories.

You can see what PHP or possibly Apache (or what ever your webserver is) runs as by following this:
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