Creating Categories


Joined: 2008-04-24
Posts: 23
Posted: Sat, 2010-05-01 05:00

I created a Ghost Hunting Website. I decided to install and try Gallery 2 for a private Team Member Gallery, this gallery is only viewed by Team Members to review each others findings before posting to the public site.

So far everything looks good and easy to use. The team likes the player for playing back EVP's and Picture resizing. Just needs some customizing.

Now I already have a Gallery on the Public website. It is Coppermine. The team would like to see Gallery 2 placed on the Public side instead of Coppermine.

So with that said:

Here is where I am Confused !!!!!!

I want to install Gallery 2 and set it up where I have 3 Categories.

1st is Group Investigations:

I upload (Admin only) all the group investigation findings to this category, starting with a single album titled "Group Investigations" and have sub albums by Location, Date, etc.

2nd is Team Members Investigations:

The Team members will upload their findings to this category only with their user album and have sub albums by Location, Date, etc. They cannot access any other category.

3rd is Supporting Member Investigations:

The supporting members will upload their findings to this category only with their user album and have sub albums by Location, Date, etc. They cannot access any other category.

Coopermine allows you to make categories. The fall back is you have to move the albums from your users galleries into the categories known as public. This is a lot of work.

I am hoping I do not have to install 3 galleries to make this work.

I was also looking in the site admin. Would making groups then title them what I want and then add the user to those groups. Would this show up on the galley like I want.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Sat, 2010-05-01 05:07

So you want each user to have an individual user album where they upload pics, then those pics can be categorized and "moved" into a different album?

I've never even come close to understanding let alone liking how Coppermine works so I'm going to have a hard time understanding what you need. Any chance you can make something a bit more visual?

User A (album)
-- Ghost picture 1

Supporting Members (album)
-- Ghost picture 1 (gets moved or copied here?)

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Joined: 2008-04-24
Posts: 23
Posted: Sat, 2010-05-01 07:36

When I install Gallery 2, The admin can create the first album of do choose which I did. Now I created a user and they log on and create an album The another user does the same thing. This is the generic gallery. That's what I have for The private team gallery. I have no issues with is at all! I am happy!


I want make another Gallery and replace Coppermine on the public website gallery, but I want 3 Categories.

To explain easier say the 3 categories are 3 albums ( maybe creating albums acting as categories would work)

With these 3 albums each will be titled

Susquehanna Valley Pennsylvania Ghost Watch Group Investigations

Team Members Investigations

Supporting Member Investigations.

Now since I create my users (Team Members) manually not using registration.

I want the team members to only have access to the Team Members Investigations Album where they create their own albums and upload content the same way they did on the Private Team Gallery.

The Supporting members to only have access to the Supporting Members Investigations Album where they create their own albums and upload content.

I will create albums to the Susquehanna Valley Pennsylvania Ghost Watch Group Investigations album and upload content.

Can I create a category or album to only allow the team members and supporting members access to the specified categories or albums I created.

I hope this explains it.

Here is the public gallery on my website it is the Coppermine Gallery The team does not like it and the default media players does not work well for some people they say they cannot get it to work.

It has two categories on the welcome page.

Susquehanna Valley Pennsylvania Ghost Watch Investigations

The client's name is a category and the date is a category. Audio Pictures and Videos are albums.

Then I can add the content after I create the albums and I have to do this format for every investigation. A lot of work!

Team Member's and Supporting Member's Personal Galleries

Inside here is Team Member Galleries and Supporting Member Galleries

The User names are Categories and EVP's, Pictures and Videos are categories. Then the albums are created and content uploaded.


There is a user category created during install inside the Team Member's and Supporting Member's Personal Galleries. I moved it there after I created the Team Member's and Supporting Member's Personal Galleries category.

This is default category cannot be deleted or altered.

When the member creates an album and uploads content. It goes to user category in my case it is called Member Profiles. Similar to how Gallery 2 works.

The problem is: Only the admin can move users album from the Member Profiles to the Categories I created which is called public categories.

Now since I am trying to show the public what Susquehanna Valley Pennsylvania Ghost Watch Investigations found


What the Team does on their own or Supporting members have to show. I have to create them in Categories


Joined: 2008-04-24
Posts: 23
Posted: Mon, 2010-05-03 00:33

I fiqured out a way to get this to work. I create 3 groups

Susquehanna Valley Pennsylvania Ghost Watch Group Investigations

Team Members Investigations

Supporting Member Investigations.

Then Create 3 albums and give titled the same as the groups.

Then give album permission as per group.

Then create my user albums in the specified group album and give each user permission to thier album only.

I tested it on my test gallery and it works.

Any other suggestions would be great, So far I think this will work.