editing/deleting comments with password


Joined: 2002-09-24
Posts: 5
Posted: Tue, 2002-09-24 03:05

I guess this is to be given a lower prirority than my other suggestions.
Nonetheless, it's handy to be able to delete or update one's own
comment made earlier. If one wants to delete/edit one's own
comment, one has to 'lock' it with an optional password which
is specific to each comment.

That is, comments need to
be stored in a separate DB table (I know G1 does not use
any DB engine, but I guess even flat-text DB system has
the same principle) with fields like the id of a picture
on which comment was made, the name/email
addr. of a person who wrote it, and optional password,
the date it's last updated. 'The id of a picture'
may be a single ID (unique across the gallery)
or a combination of album ID, subalbum ID, picture ID
within the album (I just don't know how a picture
is identified in G1 because I didn't look into the source

Comments can be deleted/edited only if password
field is filled in when they're written for the first time.