"unable to process this file" message for certain images
Joined: 2010-06-04
Posts: 4 |
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Hi, Many thaks, Tom
Joined: 2010-06-04
Posts: 4 |
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Hi, Many thaks, Tom
Posts: 27300
Image seems to work fine for me:
post a php info link:
FAQ: How do I create a phpinfo page?
What image toolkit are you using? If using GD try another.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 4
Many thanks for your swift response. I've created the phpinfo file - do I have to do anything with it other than upload it?
I've also tried changing image toolkits as I am currently using GD but the other options are greyed out (says: ImageMagick requires the exec function). I found a link to another thread with and you'd advised this was a hosting issue so I contacted my host who said the following:
"It sounds like you need to enable the exec() function to use ImageMagick. In order to do this, create a file called php.ini in the directory the image functions are called from with the following content:
disable_functions = none"
Which folder does that need to go in on my server? I tried the gallery directory and it didn't.
Sorry if this makes no sense I have very little understanding of how this all works. Thanks for both your help and patience!
Posts: 27300
Ask your host to disable the exec function for you. I have never had to jump though hoops like this with my host(s).
If you host has this disabled by default then I suspect they have other restrictions that might prevent a smooth g3 operation. Have you added items via another method?
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 4
Hi Dave,
I spoke to my hosts - here's there reply:
"As Adam says all that you need to do is place a custom php.ini file with:
disable_functions =
With PHP on our system, we enable our users to control PHP directives themselves by using a custom php.ini which means that we don't have to make server wide changes. If you still are unable to use the exec function after placing the php.ini in the correct place, let us know where we can see the error and where you have installed gallery and where you have placed the php.ini and we'll investigate."
So where exactly is the correct place - I'm still not sure I'm putting the file in the right place.
Also I've only tried uploading using the "add photo" tab what other options are there?
Many thanks,
Posts: 128
I had trouble with imagemagic as well, couldn't find it and asked the host to forward the path to me and then all worked fine although I too get the unable to process image on anything over 1.2 megs.
Posts: 27300
There is hundreds & thousands of host out there and I don't have a clue how each one is set up.
I would suggest you talk to your host to see if they can help. I don't know where you have gallery installed so can't offer much more help that "ask you host". Sorry but I have never had to do this and don't know the specifics of your host where they would.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 4
Ahh sorry, I'd misunderstood - when they said " in the directory the image functions are called from" I assumed this was in relation to the gallery install, not images in general - like I said, novice! I've got the hosts on it now - they're moving the site to another server as they don't understand why I'm getting issues either and, like you, think its a permissions problem. Thanks for all your help - I'll be back!
Billjones - filesize isn't the issue for me, i've uploaded photos way bigger than these which work fine, it's really odd.
Posts: 27300
I would not understand that either. I have not had to jump though hoops like this to get a simple image toolkit to function. Lets hope that your host can sort you out.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 16
Don't know if this is relevant, but I had this problem and solved it in a strange way. The root of my site has a wordpress install and gallery is in a folder. Setting an exception to the caching plugin for the gallery folder fixed this for me. Doesn't really make sense, but it worked.
Growing up with Nisarga
Posts: 1
I had similar situation with gallery and WordPress on the same site. I also hit the same problem of unable to process image. Could you please let me know how to set excaption to the caching plugin?