I have directories that have image files in it, but also have .htlm files and some other files (php, etc) for another staticly published photo album. I would like the Web/Local add function to be able to have file mask filters (or criteria...either match or don't match). Just wondering if anyone had looked at adding this or if it was already available, or even get some pointers to best place to go look at hacking it in myself. I'm a coder, but not familiar with the Gallery module system...so will take me a bit.
Posts: 105
It would also be helpful if we had a way to check a "filter for duplicates" that would check file name and maybe creation date and file size against files already in the database to prevent duplicates...at least that would be easier than having to comb through. Or, maybe there is already a "filter duplicates" maintenance module that will scour the DB for duplicates based on several checked items (creation date, filename, filesize, maybe even some of the EXIF info if you wanted to make it really deep)?
Posts: 16504
For the topic of this thread. Install the MIME Maintenance plugin (Site Admin > Plugins). Then go to Site Admin > MIME Types and select the option "Only allow uploads of types selected below" and make sure only the file types you want are selected. Then you can select all files in those directories (including html or php) and Gallery will only import those file types you allowed.
For the duplicates issue. You very most likely won't see anything in G2 for that unless someone writes that functionality and in G3 you'll probably never see that functionality unless some 3rd party writes it. And when I say "someone" I'm meaning someone else besides the core dev team. Also, development on G2 has ceased all new development efforts are focused on G3.
In G3 there is a checksum module so that's one step towards someone creating this functionality:
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Posts: 105
Thank you very much! This is most helpful.