How to join G1+G2 (or G2+G2)?


Joined: 2010-04-05
Posts: 5
Posted: Mon, 2010-09-06 15:28

Site has a two working galleries (G1 and G2), containing different albums. Situation is quite stupid, so I want to join galleries in G2.
G1 (v. 1.4.4) contains 30000 pics, G2 (v. 2.3) contains 2500 pics.
Is it possible to do it automatically?
(Task can be simplified by migrating G1->G2. In this case it needs to join two working G2 galleries.)

Additional questions:
1. What will be happened with differences in user-accounts lists?
2. Is it possible to keep present-day G2 URLs and G1 URLs both working?


suprsidr's picture

Joined: 2005-04-17
Posts: 8339
Posted: Mon, 2010-09-06 15:42

Joined: 2010-04-05
Posts: 5
Posted: Mon, 2010-09-06 16:12

And what about joining of 2 galleries, contains a different content?

suprsidr's picture

Joined: 2005-04-17
Posts: 8339
Posted: Mon, 2010-09-06 16:17

I cannot provide more information than what is already fully covered in the linked document and the link contained in it.

FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with The E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2


Joined: 2010-04-05
Posts: 5
Posted: Mon, 2010-09-06 16:38
suprsidr wrote:
I cannot provide more information...

It seems so.
So, maybe anyone manages to read my questions?


nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Mon, 2010-09-06 17:40

suprsidr has already given you all the information you need. You can easily import your G1 install into G2 following those steps. The only problem I can see is if there is a conflict of user names and possibly photos/albums though I think the import will rename albums/photos so you don't overwrite existing ones.
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Joined: 2010-04-05
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Posted: Mon, 2010-09-06 18:23

Thank you, nivekiam! Your answer make it clear, that you considering the situation of 2 filled galleries (all previous posts and links have not a word about it).
So, the common migration sequence wouldn’t kill existing G2 albums? OK.
I’ll check names of albums before use it.

And the remaining question is – what will be happened with 2 different user-accounts lists? Will they be merged or not? Are the same names will be joined, or they will be renamed?

nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Mon, 2010-09-06 18:40
So, the common migration sequence wouldn’t kill existing G2 albums? OK.

I'm not 100% I don't think so. You'll need to test this. Backup your G2 install :)
FAQ: How do I backup G2?

And the remaining question is – what will be happened with 2 different user-accounts lists? Will they be merged or not? Are the same names will be joined, or they will be renamed?

You'll also need to test this. I really don't think anyone has had this scenario before.
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Joined: 2010-04-05
Posts: 5
Posted: Mon, 2010-09-06 19:11

“We don’t know” – the kind of useful information. Much more useful then believing in other’s stupidity, and silent links to useless manuals.

nivekiam, thanks for support. :)
I’ll try this sequence anyway, of course. A little later.

If anyone have another related information, please let me know. Thanks.