MythTV integration


Joined: 2008-07-03
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2010-09-30 16:21

Is anybody working on a plugin for mythtv to display gallery content?

When I set up gallery, I had it scan my pictures directory tree and import them to links.

This seems to have been a mistake. I now have two seperate picture directory trees -- the old content and the new gallery content.

I have the mythtv image viewer pointing to the old pictures directory, and in there I have a link to the new gallery albums directory. It's a kluge.
Also, when tne gallery editor rotates a picture, it doesn't actually modify the file; mythtv sees such pictures without the rotation.

I'm considering writing a script to 1) replace the links with copies so I can have everything in one place and retire the old directory and 2) rotate the files and remove the setting from gallery's database. I might need a hand knowing what database field to examine for rotation status.