Hello there,
I'd like to use Gallery mainly for it's capabilities of uploading and resizing images. Then I'd like to access the album directories that were made using another script.
How do I delete/alter the permissions for the directories in Gallery? I'm trying to point another script to the album01 directory for example but I'm getting a permission denied error.
Basically I'm trying to make gallery completely public and accessible with all directories easily to read/write/rename/delete via ftp etc. Is it possible to alter or dump all of the secure mode or permissions? I can't even CHMOD this using my FTP commands to change the permissions for the directory.
Jim :smile:
Posts: 3474
Use Bharat's <!-- BBCode Start --><A HREF="http://gallery.sourceforge.net/docs.php?artid=22" TARGET="_blank">Cleanup Script</A><!-- BBCode End --> to change webuser-owned files to be world-writ(e?)able. You can use it as a model for other php scripts to help.
But to attack the problem more permanently:
Line 402 (1.3.1) or Line 417 (1.3.2-cvs-b15) in classes/Album.php...
fs_mkdir($dir, 0777); ... change the perms to 0777.
Line 23 in platform/fs_unix.php...
$umask = umask(0111); ... change the umask to 0111.
Just don't forget you did it, should you decide to batten down the hatches again sometime.
-Beckett (beck@beckettmw.com)