Installation issues

jcentrine's picture

Joined: 2010-10-18
Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 2010-10-19 00:05


I am new to MySQL and PhP, I have a webstite im setting up and want to use Gallery 3, and i have enabled MySQL through my yahoo hosting, and i have enbled PhP, I have created a Gallery3 database and have all privilages checked off. i have uploaded the Gallery3 folder to my server, and i got to the installation page:

Database name - gallery3
Username - yroot or my other username
Password - **********
Host - would be my website?
Table Prefix - none

But when i click next it says "We were unable to connect to your MySQL server with the username and password that you provided. Please go back and try again!"

does Gallery 3 know where the database is ? or do i need to save my gallery3 database in a specific location on my webserver? i already have a MySQL folder on my server now.

Any help would be great to get this up and running Thanks.

nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Tue, 2010-10-19 04:48

For the DB info, you'll need to get that from Yahoo's control panel. The DB needs to be created before hand usually through your host's control panel. Once that's done and you have the username, password, hostname and database name, then you enter that info into the G3 installer and it will create the tables and fill in the rest of the data.

Yahoo, boo hoo. Good luck.

One problem you'll most likely find with them is that they won't let you use .htaccess files (at least they didn't in the past). Meaning you'll not be able to use Gallery's URL Rewriting unless they let you edit the Apache config (which they don't) nor will you be able to set permissions on albums.

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jcentrine's picture

Joined: 2010-10-18
Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 2010-10-19 16:32

Hum so basically this will be useless for me :/
i have found a similar program that uses Light Room instead called The Turning Gate, so i guess i will give that a try and see how that goes.

Thanks for your help.