Hello forums and probably mostly Alec ;).
Recently I have included checkoutpaypal into my checkout system and so far it works nearly flawlessly. Nearly because when somebody buys photos and pays using PayPal some times the address is corrupted, i.e. it is being cut off at a random point so that we often miss the house number or similar.
I can't make out a pattern yet but curiously it looks like when somebody doesn't use the short form of "strasse" (means street in German) but types the whole word (like in "Waldwiesenstrasse…), hey, I think I got the solution while typing it!
If someone doens't use "Waldwiesenstr." but types "Waldwiesenstraße" it gets cut off just before the "ß". So I think checkoutpaypal or Paypal itself doesn't like "nonstandard" signs. Is there any way to fix it? Adjust a different character set?
Posts: 44
Again I would like to bring up that topic as it is pretty unnerving. Is there a possibility to change checkoutpaypal to accept „ä,ö,ü,ß“? As it is at the moment the letters behind such a character are being cut off so that it is not readable anymore.
Help would be greatly appreciated!
Posts: 44
As I am also getting problems with checkoutpdfinvoice which doesn't correctly write "März" (German word for "march") I think that might be the same problem as with checkoutpaypal.
Alec, are you there somewhere? I think it is quite easily solved by changing the coding, if that is possible. But I would need a hint where I should be looking. Please help!
Posts: 4342
@Knilch: did you follow the instructions in the Checkout codex page (http://codex.gallery2.org/Gallery2:Modules:checkout) that begin: "To receive 'international' characters ("Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn") as part of names and addresses received via Paypal..." ???
I know about the issue with checkoutpdfinvoice; I remember that I looked into it but the pdf library I used doesn't do international characters. There may be a way to convert them to a standard Latin charset which would be better than the fail mode at present. Maybe someone could look into what's available within php?
Posts: 44
@alec: No, actually I didn't see that one until you just pointed it out to me. If that really is the solution, then you are my hero! Can't test at the moment, though, as I don't have a sandbox account with PayPal so I have to wait for someone actually placing an order
The pdfinvoice is not urgent as I am only now using it on a local machine when I am on-site with my little photo shop for keeping track of the orders. Doesn't bother me that much, just wanted to ask if there is a simple solution for that. Maybe it is possible to display the number of the month instead of its name? I.e. display (in German format) 07.03.2011 instead of 07.März 2011?
Again, many thanks go out to you for programming something that useful and I really hope that checkoutpaypal works now as it should.
Posts: 4342
Sure. PHP has lots of options for setting date formats. The dates internally are all UNIX times anyway.