Move Gallery to new ISP?


Joined: 2006-09-03
Posts: 19
Posted: Fri, 2010-10-29 21:17

I hope this is the correct forum. I changed ISPs and need to migrate my Gallery website to the new location. Is there a way of doing this without starting from scratch? I have a customized theme, etc. To redo everything is going to be a big deal.

Thanks for any help,

People believe pictures. That’s why it’s a photo in your passport, not a painting.
~Phillip Jones Griffiths

nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Fri, 2010-10-29 21:22

Well since you posted in the G2 forums, I'm going to assume you're using G2, it's easy, just follow these steps EXACTLY with no deviation and it will work, 100% every time (so long as the new host meets G2 requirements which should be easy now-a-days)

FAQ: How can I move my gallery installation from one server to another?
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