Gallery 2.3 Upgrade Problem


Joined: 2008-09-06
Posts: 3
Posted: Mon, 2010-11-01 03:32

Last week when I ran the Upgrader I got this error during the system check:
Inaccessible or missing files (1)
Error: Some files and or directories in your storage directory are not writeable by the webserver user. Run chown -R webserverUser /mnt/p3hnascon01_data04/p3slh066/content/r/a/d/radmanpatches/html/gallery/g2data/ OR run chmod -R 777 /mnt/p3hnascon01_data04/p3slh066/content/r/a/d/radmanpatches/html/gallery/g2data/.

This is hosted at godaddy and was installed sometime during September 2008 (which is my way of saying I don't know exactly which version it is and since its stuck in this upgrade process I can't access the admin to find out). Using the godaddy File Manager I changed the permissions of the /g2data directory, but this didn't help - still the same error.

So then I went to the /gallery/lib/support/index screen and ran the 'Change Filesystem Permissions' and got this error:
Folder or file '/mnt/p3hnascon01_data04/p3slh066/content/r/a/d/radmanpatches/html/gallery/g2data/' does not exist!
Note: Please look at the [details]. When I click on [details] I just get the same screen. I tried shortening the path to just /html/gallery/g2data, /gallery/g2data, and just /g2data, all to no avail. There is a versions.dat file in /g2data.

Godaddy support tells me all I can do is change the permissions via the File Manager which I did.

So I've been through this process about 5-6 times now with no success. The gallery has several thousand photos in the db, which my client uploaded himself over a period of a couple weeks and which I'm really hoping to avoid re-doing. The Gallery is in maintenance mode and the db is backed up.

Anyone have any ideas how to solve this?

Thanks much in advance!

scaturan's picture

Joined: 2004-09-12
Posts: 1153
Posted: Wed, 2010-11-03 15:49

so what happens when you open up the Gallery? does it redirect you back into the upgrader? any Errors?
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Joined: 2008-09-06
Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 2010-11-04 03:08

Oh hmmm... guess I didn't include the site. It's and, well right now it's in maintenance mode so any clicks on the gallery buttons are redirected to a page that tells visitors the galleries are down for maintenance.

Several ways to get to the gallery: 1) via godaddy login, then hosting control center/content/value applications/gallery 2.3. Once in there the only option is to upgrade. If I get out of maintenance mode via config.php then there is an option for a 2.3 patch. Tried this a few times and gotten 'installation error' with no details, but the installation can be rolled back to where it was before.

Another way is to enter ' but that goes directly to the 2.3 upgrade procedure screen, where I then get the original error regarding the storage directory in Step 2, System Checks.

I can also get to the gallery via /gallery/lib/support/index.php where I tried all the options in there to change the permissions in the storage directory, but as I mentioned I get this: Folder or file '/mnt/p3hnascon01_data04/p3slh066/content/r/a/d/radmanpatches/html/gallery/g2data/' does not exist! That is the storage directory listed in config.php, I guess it was created during the original installation.

Is there any way to completely avoid and/or revert to the prior installation of Gallery without having to do the upgrade?

nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Mon, 2010-11-08 22:57

The problem is your g2data directory is missing according to Gallery.

Looks like NoDaddy is mounting your stuff from random places /mnt/p3hnascon01_data04/p3slh066/content/r/a/d/radmanpatches/html/gallery/g2data/

You need to find out the right path to your g2data and update config.php

I'm wondering if this part: /mnt/p3hnascon01_data04/p3slh066 can change or perhaps they moved your stuff without telling you and it's actually a pretty (not totally) stable path. But either way you need to find out what the path is to your g2data and update config.php
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