Thumbnail access on photo.tpl


Joined: 2010-10-26
Posts: 3
Posted: Tue, 2010-11-09 01:39


I'm customizing a template based in the Matrix default template in Gallery 2.3.1

In the photo template, I want to implement a thumbnail navigator with 3 images: previous, current and next.

I've discovered how to access the previous and next "thumbnail" elements with the following code:

            <ul class="navigator">
            <li class="previous">
            {if isset($theme.navigator.back)}
            <a href="{g->url params=$theme.navigator.back.urlParams}">{g->image id="%ID%" item=$theme.navigator.back.item image=$theme.navigator.back.thumbnail maxSize=98}
            <img src="" width="100" height="100" title="Previous" class="arrow_previous" />
            <li class="current">
            {g->image item=$theme.item image=$image maxSize=98}
            <li class="next">
            {if isset($}
            <a href=" {g->url params=$}">{g->image id="%ID%" item=$ image=$ maxSize=98}
            <img src="" width="100" height="100" title="Next" class="arrow_next" /></a>

My problem is: how can I access the "current photo" thumbnail??

Any help is very wellcome.
