Gallery Site Navigation


Joined: 2006-11-19
Posts: 394
Posted: Fri, 2010-12-03 07:41

This is deleted. There is no problem. Move along now !!

suprsidr's picture

Joined: 2005-04-17
Posts: 8339
Posted: Fri, 2010-12-03 13:50

did you not see the HUGE documentation link in the upper right corner of every page of this site?
its been there for all the years I've been involved.

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floridave's picture

Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Fri, 2010-12-03 14:41

Developers are focused on coding and as a result some of the mundane issues of moving some documentation about is getting missed.
It all takes time.

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Joined: 2006-11-19
Posts: 394
Posted: Fri, 2010-12-03 20:23

No it was my problem. I tried to delete this stupid post but it didn't go through-anmd yes, iDID miss the DOCUMENTATION link--lol. IT was 3Am!! But seriously, I REALLY tried to delete this post.

Accept my apologies and the navigation is fine.