Years back I discovered Gallery 1 and decided to install it on my home-based web server as it fitted my bill perfectly:
- No data base required
- Simple install
- Simple administration
- Does everything I want to make some photos available to friends and family
Hence, I followed it up until the latest 1.5.x version and was then putting my hopes on Jallery, which - unfortunately - never took off and seems to be dead by now (no hard feelings, I know the "a day has only 24h" problem all too well myself...).
As I am currently reinstalling my home server, I am looking into this problem again, weighing my options:
I could just stay with Gallery 1.5.x (or maybe even pick the last 1.6 that was ever released). Featurewise, that would keep me happy. Also, no extra administration required, as I won't have to install and configure a data base (I like to keep things simple). But: No support, no bugfixes, no security fixes. The main reason I have ignored this so far is my reluctance to add yet another component to the mix in form of a data base... <sigh> It was so nice and simple with G1... 
On the other hand, if I want support, I will need to install something different. And if I want to stay with Gallery, I will have to install a data base. I was just slowly warming up to that thought and had a look at the Gallery site again - and realised the next "problem": There is now Gallery 3. Which made me confused yet again, as (even after reading some related posts here) it is still unclear to me how the whole thing will develop... Hence, my questions:
- Does the release of G3 mean that G2 will go the way of G1, i.e. support will be dropped within the foreseeable future? In that case, migrating to G2 would not buy me much, I suppose, as I would be using an unsupported product yet again "shortly"...
- I've seen that G3 apparently requires Apache 2.2 - is this really mandatory, i.e. it will not run under Apache 1.3? The reason I'm asking: My server is OpenBSD based (not going to change) and their "built-in" web server is based on Apache 1.3 (but security audited). While there are ports of Apache 2.2 to OpenBSD, I would very much prefer to stay with the core components supplied and supported within the OpenBSD base system. This might rule out G3 completely.
Thanks in advance for all insights on the matter (and if I just failed to find applicable documentation, a "RTFM" is welcome, too...)!
Posts: 5
Hm - I could have sworn I read something about G3 replacing G2 somewhere on the Gallery site - but now I cannot find it again... <sigh>
Never mind, I've just searched through the G3 forum - from what I read there, I probably should regard Apache 2.2 as mandatory for G3 as there is no guarantee that G3 will not introduce a feature that will definitely not work under Apache 1.3. So, no G3 for my server.
Apparently, my options are severely limited:
- Stay with G1 and accept the fact that there may be a time bomb in the form of some yet unknown security bug and/or incompatibilities with newer PHP versions
- Stay with G1 and maintain it myself (yeah, right... if...)
- Migrate to G2 and accept that I may have to live with a time bomb again in the not too distant future
- Migrate to something else
Not quite what I hoped for, but sometimes just the way life goes...