Customizing Gallery 1

 TopicRepliesCreatedLast replysort icon
New Since, Top 10, Recently Uploaded2017 years 50 weeks ago
by pbaden
17 years 49 weeks ago
by monkeyboy
Link is Blacked out?1517 years 51 weeks ago
by monkeyboy
17 years 49 weeks ago
by Gaile
Is it possible to display image size and dimensions beside t117 years 50 weeks ago
by vampy
17 years 49 weeks ago
by vampy
Remove some fields from albums217 years 49 weeks ago
by bgt
17 years 49 weeks ago
by bgt
how to put a user self register option on main page?317 years 50 weeks ago
by Saivash
17 years 49 weeks ago
by Saivash
Is there a way to change the background color after setting517 years 50 weeks ago
by mariana
17 years 49 weeks ago
by Gaile
Possible to LIST NEW PICTURE on my home page??117 years 49 weeks ago
by hstraf
17 years 49 weeks ago
by beckett
Random photo -- Showing hidden album photos?217 years 49 weeks ago
by vivitron
17 years 49 weeks ago
by vivitron
2 Column Viewing the Album and all the graphics files in th117 years 50 weeks ago
by domineaux
17 years 49 weeks ago
by ajs279
An easier way to add comments217 years 49 weeks ago
by BRosewood
17 years 49 weeks ago
by BRosewood
Random Picture617 years 49 weeks ago
by Agatka
17 years 49 weeks ago
by beckett
How to create a photo gallery and restrict access for me onl517 years 50 weeks ago
by alwayschampion
17 years 49 weeks ago
by dtdgoomba
What are the valid colors?217 years 49 weeks ago
by jamgill
17 years 49 weeks ago
by jamgill
Get rid of showing hits at album tree?017 years 49 weeks ago
by bengaloo
No Right Click or Highlighting of text417 years 49 weeks ago
by neverluckyb4
17 years 49 weeks ago
by neverluckyb4
Coding/Adding HREF command on view_album.php217 years 50 weeks ago
by Devin
17 years 49 weeks ago
by beckett
Opera and Slideshow Mode317 years 50 weeks ago
by opel70
17 years 49 weeks ago
by beckett
Picture sizes...817 years 50 weeks ago
by jacksdad
17 years 49 weeks ago
by beckett
last modification with time stamp as well as date?417 years 49 weeks ago
by macsamurai
17 years 49 weeks ago
by beckett
How to add alt tags and other accessibilty features017 years 49 weeks ago
by kmtkr
Get rid of showing hits at album tree?417 years 49 weeks ago
by bengaloo
17 years 49 weeks ago
by bengaloo
Link to Home page617 years 51 weeks ago
by phgrove
17 years 49 weeks ago
by vallimar
having a "how to use this gallery" window popup017 years 49 weeks ago
Simple Code to add Tree View Toggling017 years 49 weeks ago
by Russ(Austin)
Need help with custom hack: allowing all users to add captio017 years 49 weeks ago
by robz