
 Topicsort iconRepliesCreatedLast reply
Potential difficulty with i18n017 years 10 weeks ago
by paour
Portuguese Translation and 1.4.4516 years 15 weeks ago
by Toshiro
16 years 14 weeks ago
by Toshiro
Portuguese Translation (PT) done but...316 years 28 weeks ago
by jastmigallery
16 years 28 weeks ago
by Tim_j
Polish06 years 11 weeks ago
by jamiewaren
poEdit problem unicode2314 years 7 weeks ago
by kglog
13 years 34 weeks ago
by youtube
po entry made obsolete on make212 years 51 weeks ago
by slideshowbob
12 years 49 weeks ago
by valiant
Pliz, create normal thread for russian support611 years 49 weeks ago
by Ser Moro
11 years 41 weeks ago
by artych002
parse error814 years 14 weeks ago
by leschek
13 years 38 weeks ago
by kmchen
Others Languages don´t work216 years 43 weeks ago
by feer
16 years 42 weeks ago
by feer
Others Languages don´t work416 years 46 weeks ago
by FDFLocke
16 years 44 weeks ago
by Tim_j
other language without locales115 years 46 weeks ago
by redshirt
15 years 32 weeks ago
by Tim_j
only someone give me information :((((((512 years 12 weeks ago
by Placebo2
11 years 19 weeks ago
by Veola
Only parts of gallery2 gets translated814 years 30 weeks ago
by mvip
14 years 28 weeks ago
by bharat
Only English (USA)112 years 2 days ago
by mlluis
12 years 2 days ago
by suprsidr
Official .pot files please ?313 years 39 weeks ago
by jackdaw
13 years 38 weeks ago
by mindless
New, better and wider translation of core module in Slovenian language212 years 24 weeks ago
by jureb
11 years 34 weeks ago
by giovanni000
New Translation help-Dead link.112 years 44 weeks ago
by nyerkes
12 years 44 weeks ago
by Slayergirl
New translation (Greek) - Do I need to contact someone?317 years 9 weeks ago
by pj
12 years 27 weeks ago
by californiaCTA
New Translation114 years 38 weeks ago
by navux
14 years 38 weeks ago
by mindless
new TC language pack for 1.44 not working fine216 years 15 weeks ago
by cwayne
16 years 15 weeks ago
by cwayne
Need original POT files for translation to pt_PT011 years 3 weeks ago
by op351net
Need help with changing214 years 7 weeks ago
by NoWayOut
14 years 7 weeks ago
by valiant
Need a PHP variable for active language code911 years 3 weeks ago
by op351net
10 years 37 weeks ago
by ankaranakliyat
My language stop showing???315 years 36 weeks ago
by Amorphine
15 years 36 weeks ago
by Amorphine
Multiroot214 years 5 weeks ago
by stephenju
14 years 5 weeks ago
by stephenju