Installation and Configuration Help

 Topicsort iconRepliesCreatedLast reply
[SOLVED] moving to another server... Step 5 DB problems414 years 4 weeks ago
by jellibelli
14 years 4 weeks ago
by jellibelli
[SOLVED] Moved server - G2 died1515 years 30 weeks ago
by mixel
15 years 30 weeks ago
by mixel
[SOLVED] Mod_rewrite module bug if installation path includes ./gallery/gallery2915 years 8 weeks ago
by beneti
15 years 7 weeks ago
by pelle
[SOLVED] Missing Site Admin tools after re-install711 years 5 weeks ago
by encore
10 years 47 weeks ago
by bootscheap
[SOLVED] Missing detail in installation instruction? step71015 years 29 weeks ago
by Oceanwatcher
15 years 29 weeks ago
by valiant
[SOLVED] Migrating Gallery2114 years 2 weeks ago
by Ramius
14 years 2 weeks ago
by Ramius
[SOLVED] Migrating gallery 2515 years 11 weeks ago
by lpedro
15 years 11 weeks ago
by lpedro
[SOLVED] Login Problem - GalleryStatus 210 years 41 weeks ago
by insomnix
10 years 41 weeks ago
by insomnix
[SOLVED] Location of "local" directory for tpl fil215 years 14 weeks ago
by brook
15 years 14 weeks ago
by brook
[SOLVED] Layout problems after latest snapshot...415 years 40 weeks ago
by niclydon
15 years 40 weeks ago
by niclydon
[SOLVED] Jul 21 Nightly Upgrade Problem1115 years 17 weeks ago
by rogermh
15 years 17 weeks ago
by valiant
[SOLVED] isError() error on line 610 of GalleryTemplateAdapt915 years 18 weeks ago
by edriss
15 years 18 weeks ago
by valiant
[SOLVED] iPhotoToGallery and Multisite G2 RC1215 years 12 weeks ago
by bensiebro
15 years 12 weeks ago
by bensiebro
[SOLVED] Installs fine ... changing directory > ERROR_STORAGE_FAILURE613 years 50 weeks ago
by uomeds10
13 years 50 weeks ago
by valiant
[SOLVED] Installation?610 years 18 weeks ago
by rolanda
10 years 18 weeks ago
by brewster
[SOLVED] Installation:Core module is only partially installe815 years 31 weeks ago
by rw32b2a
15 years 30 weeks ago
by jlpeifer
[SOLVED] Installation: Step 7 fails615 years 26 weeks ago
by gnump
15 years 26 weeks ago
by valiant
[SOLVED] installation step 8215 years 44 weeks ago
by magikern
15 years 44 weeks ago
by magikern
[SOLVED] installation problems, session errors?115 years 32 weeks ago
by tritesnikov
15 years 32 weeks ago
by tritesnikov
[Solved] Installation halts at Step 5013 years 45 weeks ago
by Rodders
[Solved] Installation failure on step 8 (core install) : Undefined index in FlockLockSystem.class on line 205212 years 28 weeks ago
by pielagauffre
12 years 28 weeks ago
by mp3aim
[SOLVED] Installation fails with error message...18 years 12 weeks ago
by ktdesign
8 years 11 weeks ago
by ktdesign
[SOLVED] Installation fails at step 848 years 23 weeks ago
by bdfoto
8 years 23 weeks ago
by bdfoto
[SOLVED] Installation Failing – Series of Warnings, Login.txt verification failure410 years 9 weeks ago
by PianoGenius
10 years 9 weeks ago
by PianoGenius
[SOLVED] installation failing at step8614 years 2 weeks ago
by dscherger
14 years 2 weeks ago
by dscherger