Migrating to Gallery 2

 Topicsort iconRepliesCreatedLast reply
[SOLVED] Can I set this permission?115 years 26 weeks ago
by yys2000
15 years 26 weeks ago
by yys2000
[SOLVED] Can I import from G1 to G2, without having G1 installed? Import directly the albums?113 years 47 weeks ago
by skuba
13 years 47 weeks ago
by floridave
[SOLVED] Bug: When Turkish selected site totally corrupted615 years 25 weeks ago
by cemseker
15 years 25 weeks ago
by Ansolon
[SOLVED] Broken Thumbs815 years 30 weeks ago
by almost
15 years 30 weeks ago
by almost
[SOLVED] Broken images315 years 24 weeks ago
by vaughanmarks
15 years 23 weeks ago
by ClimbingMonkey
[SOLVED] Blank images after upload2115 years 37 weeks ago
by speckle
15 years 35 weeks ago
by speckle
[SOLVED] Beta 4 Problem - galleryurlgenerator215 years 15 weeks ago
by Smiler
15 years 15 weeks ago
by Smiler
[SOLVED] album title error415 years 32 weeks ago
by narflet
15 years 32 weeks ago
by narflet
[SOLVED] Adding images larger than 1MB?1215 years 35 weeks ago
by jalefkowit
15 years 35 weeks ago
by jalefkowit
[Solved] 503 Error, No Thumb generated, Refresh315 years 40 weeks ago
by BorgKing
15 years 40 weeks ago
by BorgKing
[SOLVED] 16M not enough315 years 26 weeks ago
by Laubi
15 years 26 weeks ago
by Laubi
[SOLVED] ... The action you attempted is not permitted515 years 26 weeks ago
by PH
15 years 26 weeks ago
by cnmuranjan
[SOLVED] 'Doze and G2 Beta3315 years 23 weeks ago
by Warwick
15 years 23 weeks ago
by Warwick
[SOLVED] "internal server error" and other problem915 years 18 weeks ago
by Mertous
15 years 18 weeks ago
by Mertous
[SOLVED] "edit album" link returns "cannot fi1315 years 21 weeks ago
by DPE
15 years 20 weeks ago
by valiant
[SOLVED!] Guest user shown lower "total items" count than a logged in user.1815 years 8 weeks ago
by robotphotos
15 years 8 weeks ago
by valiant
[Migration] Asked to rename albums, then errors ...315 years 8 weeks ago
by Epsylonator
15 years 8 weeks ago
by jmullan
[migration stuck at users for 2.1.1 from g1] no g1 version available only old albums file014 years 21 weeks ago
by in_bed
[Migrating] Derivative cache chmod problems115 years 3 weeks ago
by TimeClypse
15 years 3 weeks ago
by valiant
[G2-Beta3] POTD display problem1615 years 25 weeks ago
by jdingman
15 years 25 weeks ago
by jdingman
[G2 Beta4] Howto - publish from XP315 years 16 weeks ago
by CharlieBlank
14 years 28 weeks ago
by valiant
[FIXED - But Want to Know More} Gallery2 URL Parsing Question315 years 10 weeks ago
by Judis_ES
15 years 10 weeks ago
by Judis_ES
[Closed] Extra Pages after migration import??113 years 6 weeks ago
by rottie_girl
13 years 6 weeks ago
by rottie_girl
[Bug] / [Issue] :: Archive Binaries215 years 11 weeks ago
by GRiM
15 years 11 weeks ago
by GRiM
[ Solved ] Thumbnails not showing015 years 2 weeks ago
by sonam