General Discussion and Feedback

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can Gallery do it?110 years 39 weeks ago
by zledwon
10 years 39 weeks ago
by nivekiam
Can Gallery do these things?612 years 34 weeks ago
by Akdoug
12 years 34 weeks ago
by alecmyers
Can Gallery do these things?112 years 36 weeks ago
by osu9400
12 years 36 weeks ago
by floridave
Can Gallery do this?511 years 2 weeks ago
by connorz
11 years 2 weeks ago
by nivekiam
Can Gallery do what I want?310 years 35 weeks ago
by jasronq
10 years 33 weeks ago
by hebhansen
Can Gallery Help me manage 900,000+ pictures (and notes for them)310 years 41 weeks ago
by realized
10 years 41 weeks ago
by nivekiam
Can Gallery look like this...19 years 19 weeks ago
by ns1
9 years 19 weeks ago
by suprsidr
Can Gallery offer a high-res copy of the photo for download?314 years 46 weeks ago
by doc_holiday
14 years 43 weeks ago
by futurepublic
Can gallery satisfy my special requirements?413 years 6 weeks ago
by zhangweiwu
13 years 6 weeks ago
by zhangweiwu
Can Gallery Serve Batch Images in a Web Page format? [Business Case]411 years 41 weeks ago
by bianconeri4ever
11 years 22 weeks ago
by samueljaxon
Can Gallery swap new photos onto a page each day automatically without administrator input?09 years 9 weeks ago
by Larry Reese
Can gallery use existing image files rather then re-creating them??214 years 18 weeks ago
14 years 18 weeks ago
Can Gallery2 achieve these requirements??? Please read512 years 19 weeks ago
by sheenshine
12 years 19 weeks ago
by alecmyers
Can Gallery2 do all this?2013 years 22 weeks ago
by jhack
12 years 9 weeks ago
by alecmyers
Can gallery2 do this?211 years 51 weeks ago
by cgull
11 years 51 weeks ago
by cgull
Can Gallery2 do this?112 years 36 weeks ago
by brucewhealton
12 years 36 weeks ago
by valiant
Can I add a Gallery2 search box to my website (without resorting to Google)?98 years 34 weeks ago
by WebKat
8 years 33 weeks ago
by WebKat
can I adjust it to my page?313 years 16 weeks ago
by catalushka
13 years 15 weeks ago
by catalushka
can i change the main page look and feeling???213 years 22 weeks ago
by almond
13 years 22 weeks ago
by almond
Can I Charge Money For Installing Gallery 2?214 years 4 weeks ago
by Atom
14 years 3 weeks ago
by majortom
Can I delete114 years 41 weeks ago
by pcigre
14 years 41 weeks ago
by valiant
Can I do this313 years 14 weeks ago
by grsphoto
13 years 14 weeks ago
by floridave
Can I edit meta tags?113 years 45 weeks ago
by easycrossover
13 years 45 weeks ago
by joe7rocks
Can I find these particular features in Gallery or related plugins?210 years 33 weeks ago
by aster77
10 years 33 weeks ago
by suprsidr
Can I get better control of watermarks?013 years 48 weeks ago
by markcrobinson