Theme Development

 TopicRepliessort iconCreatedLast reply
Anybody using OpenCube menus?814 years 42 weeks ago
by samlewit
12 years 50 weeks ago
by yinka007
PG-author.tpl not displaying?814 years 47 weeks ago
by triangular
14 years 46 weeks ago
by pgilbert
PG Theme fade in w/ firefox814 years 51 weeks ago
by mrwalter
14 years 22 weeks ago
by patd
createAlbumTree Sorted815 years 2 weeks ago
by joe7rocks
15 years 2 weeks ago
by joe7rocks
Most beautiful themes (IYHO)815 years 2 weeks ago
by daelomin
15 years 4 days ago
by peter_k
Putting gallery into a table and html815 years 3 weeks ago
by stanmart
14 years 41 weeks ago
by Silverstorm
Adding Thumbnail Borders (Matrix)815 years 5 weeks ago
by Mr. B
15 years 3 weeks ago
by peter_k
Move admin sidebar to right side815 years 5 weeks ago
by buss
15 years 5 weeks ago
by nivekiam
How to add buttons in "Matrix" footer?815 years 6 weeks ago
by rainonline
15 years 5 weeks ago
by RwD
Matrix.Theme: Replacing Gallery Logo with own logo815 years 6 weeks ago
by Pinguin
15 years 6 weeks ago
by zduchene
Where Rows/Columns815 years 7 weeks ago
by jpeadro
15 years 7 weeks ago
by jpeadro
G1 theme for Gallery2 error815 years 9 weeks ago
by siege911
14 years 50 weeks ago
by supafunk
Sub-albums...815 years 9 weeks ago
by nickctn
14 years 37 weeks ago
by RwD
new themes setup, customizing blocks/modules815 years 17 weeks ago
by jasonmac
15 years 17 weeks ago
by nivekiam
[SOLVED] Template/Layout/Theme Question.815 years 24 weeks ago
by ben-wan
15 years 24 weeks ago
by ben-wan
smarty and templates815 years 26 weeks ago
by sarcasticprick
15 years 26 weeks ago
by sarcasticprick
Full-sized photo in pop-up?815 years 28 weeks ago
by abenweek
15 years 26 weeks ago
by Jhearad
Proper use of the if issit99 years 26 weeks ago
by HappyMini
9 years 24 weeks ago
by HappyMini
[SOLVED] Is there a way to import the children array without changing pageType from 'photo' to 'album'?910 years 2 weeks ago
by grittykitty
10 years 2 weeks ago
by grittykitty
Positioning of swf in header910 years 33 weeks ago
by doceave
10 years 33 weeks ago
by doceave
Ajaxian - Remove Click on Photo910 years 46 weeks ago
by spadez
10 years 3 weeks ago
by nivekiam
hide thumbnail name in entire site910 years 49 weeks ago
by diegosanchez
10 years 49 weeks ago
by floridave
incorp images in to my site911 years 12 weeks ago
by ludychris
11 years 10 weeks ago
by royhunters
Approximate time/effort/money to create new template?911 years 50 weeks ago
by singrum
10 years 34 weeks ago
by chrome77
External image blocks912 years 11 weeks ago
by stepler
12 years 10 weeks ago
by stepler