Theme Development

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changing theme on the fly115 years 6 weeks ago
by VoiceX
15 years 5 weeks ago
by nivekiam
Chaning colors of basic matrix theme213 years 23 weeks ago
by radicalblues
13 years 20 weeks ago
by alexer
Check if current page is main page?414 years 43 weeks ago
by kaksi
14 years 42 weeks ago
by lvthunder
Checking user groups from templates113 years 26 weeks ago
by DuncanR
13 years 26 weeks ago
by DuncanR
Checkout: No add to cart or view cart buttons...???This topic has been moved
choose theme for each user account113 years 12 weeks ago
by 8800er
13 years 12 weeks ago
by valiant
Choosing theme images based on lang114 years 14 weeks ago
by benoitch
12 years 40 weeks ago
by maichele
Classic G1 theme?114 years 21 weeks ago
by kevin360
14 years 21 weeks ago
by floridave
Classic theme113 years 11 weeks ago
by partyvibe
13 years 11 weeks ago
by mindless
Classic theme - background colour change (several color packs?)812 years 45 weeks ago
by janwayne69
12 years 45 weeks ago
by floridave
Classic theme - embed slimbox/lightbox ??512 years 23 weeks ago
by www dimo spb ru
11 years 16 weeks ago
by nivekiam
classic theme hide subalbums112 years 27 weeks ago
by mixterp
12 years 26 weeks ago
by mixterp
Classic Theme Modification212 years 29 weeks ago
by tyeholmes
12 years 29 weeks ago
by tyeholmes
Classic Theme problems415 years 14 weeks ago
by rpain
15 years 14 weeks ago
by rpain
Classic Theme: Define size for image opened through thumbnail page814 years 37 weeks ago
by Heiko_Heider
14 years 37 weeks ago
by Heiko_Heider
Classic with Thumbnails (2.2)313 years 46 weeks ago
by Psychic
13 years 12 weeks ago
by GolfHo
Clone G1 theme (work in progress)014 years 21 weeks ago
by kevin360
Coding: $'namehere' ?614 years 3 weeks ago
by mungous
14 years 2 weeks ago
by mungous
Collage effect theme for 2.1?This topic has been moved
Collage Effect Theme Navigation014 years 16 weeks ago
by S1L1C0N
Color Pack not Refreshing115 years 6 weeks ago
by jjardine
15 years 6 weeks ago
by nivekiam
Colorpack Customization114 years 51 weeks ago
by kendorama
14 years 51 weeks ago
by lvthunder
Colorpack Question213 years 48 weeks ago
by lvthunder
13 years 47 weeks ago
by lvthunder
Colorpak not fully working514 years 6 weeks ago
by Sreya
14 years 6 weeks ago
by floridave
colour packs114 years 26 weeks ago
by ncarring
10 years 40 weeks ago
by floridave