CSS Customizations

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Entire Gallery is not centered - the whole thing is on the left of the page - help!812 years 22 weeks ago
by michellemb
12 years 18 weeks ago
by michellemb
Customization problems112 years 22 weeks ago
by mart1892
12 years 22 weeks ago
by alecmyers
Changing font size012 years 22 weeks ago
by mart1892
Changing The Width?312 years 22 weeks ago
by anenburg
12 years 22 weeks ago
by floridave
left navigation bar212 years 21 weeks ago
by Vonkoba
12 years 21 weeks ago
by Vonkoba
WPG2 and showing titles makes thumbnails 1 per line012 years 20 weeks ago
by ryanmc
Embedding Carbon theme in Wordpress Vertigo 3 or Tapestry theme with WPG shows a gray box. Fixing font size.012 years 20 weeks ago
by naturalEnquirer
Need help changing the font color on the ablums pages112 years 20 weeks ago
by Keith52
12 years 20 weeks ago
by gueva
Change WPG2 image frame on one page112 years 19 weeks ago
by naturalEnquirer
12 years 17 weeks ago
by ozgreg
How to override wordpress theme's sidebar customization for a wpg image block012 years 19 weeks ago
by naturalEnquirer
vSlider 3 doesn't show all metadata captured in Gallery2012 years 17 weeks ago
by gerrymcg
IE6 formatting issue012 years 17 weeks ago
by Nakedbamboo
Exif Table Colours - FIXED012 years 17 weeks ago
by BigBadBorry
Remove Gallery Sidebar112 years 17 weeks ago
by alelba
12 years 17 weeks ago
by floridave
2x2 Sidebar Grid CSS Issues012 years 16 weeks ago
by QuoVadam
Gallery appears to be left aligned where as wordpress theme is centered012 years 16 weeks ago
by spikedog
Yet another width problem012 years 16 weeks ago
by JRwilhelm1
yet another width problem212 years 16 weeks ago
by JRwilhelm1
12 years 8 weeks ago
by harrynutz
meaning of gi gb gs012 years 14 weeks ago
by lndlyb4
Chaning color of the text "Login"112 years 14 weeks ago
by absynth
12 years 13 weeks ago
by absynth
Keywords Style012 years 14 weeks ago
by hkdigit
how to remove "album:" tag212 years 13 weeks ago
by nemosum
12 years 13 weeks ago
by nemosum
newbie question about the css and editing the theme to match to my website012 years 12 weeks ago
by fritzy
Ajaxian Theme - Link to full size and Album Title012 years 12 weeks ago
by pjwirth
Sidebar disappear when loading gallery2 embedded with the WPG2 plugin212 years 10 weeks ago
by mangamansan
12 years 7 weeks ago
by mangamansan