CSS Customizations

 Topicsort iconRepliesCreatedLast reply
Siriux Login field1712 years 34 weeks ago
by IanGarrett
12 years 30 weeks ago
by jufjo
sidebar tweaking1013 years 3 weeks ago
by javapop
13 years 2 weeks ago
by javapop
Sidebar disappear when loading gallery2 embedded with the WPG2 plugin212 years 10 weeks ago
by mangamansan
12 years 7 weeks ago
by mangamansan
Showing WP widgets in Gallery2 sidebar212 years 42 weeks ago
by tvengela
12 years 41 weeks ago
by steelerdirtfreak
Show Rearranged order in Sidebar Grid BlockThis topic has been moved
Several Questions about WPG2 / gallery2512 years 29 weeks ago
by Ezeke
12 years 28 weeks ago
by stickboy11
Running K2 with Gallery2 - Sidebar Question612 years 40 weeks ago
by SimonTuffGuy
12 years 38 weeks ago
by SimonTuffGuy
Rename Gallery link in the left side bar From the classic theme111 years 37 weeks ago
by satishjsr
11 years 37 weeks ago
by satishjsr
remove side bar from wrapped gallery in wordpress?115 years 25 weeks ago
by r34p3rex
15 years 25 weeks ago
by valiant
Remove Gallery Sidebar112 years 17 weeks ago
by alelba
12 years 17 weeks ago
by floridave
Remove "Keyword Album" prefix before listed keywords612 years 5 days ago
by naturalEnquirer
11 years 23 weeks ago
by eaglelive
Problem with gallery and sidebar011 years 43 weeks ago
by kondziel
preview image make up011 years 40 weeks ago
by Sjoukito
positioning behavior012 years 8 weeks ago
by kckal
Polish fonts - Gone after migrating010 years 40 weeks ago
by Mike_Para
Please help size the gallery 2 in wordpress1013 years 9 weeks ago
by bukavu
10 years 38 weeks ago
by JT101
php require_once112 years 7 weeks ago
by dmikester1
12 years 6 weeks ago
by dmikester1
Photo size not showing up correctly in wordpress pages012 years 46 weeks ago
by dessie1380
Photo pages - Center images112 years 4 weeks ago
by Pramod Viswanath
11 years 46 weeks ago
by wordman
Persistent CSS Problem413 years 4 weeks ago
by medmac
13 years 3 weeks ago
by medmac
Patch for vSlider3 and mp3 plaback212 years 51 weeks ago
by siggma
12 years 51 weeks ago
by trbailey
Open albums in new window112 years 42 weeks ago
by drdecoder
12 years 42 weeks ago
by ozgreg
one album showing different colors012 years 23 weeks ago
by jmaentz
Odd Layout of g2_sidebargridblock513 years 6 weeks ago
by clarkburbidge
13 years 5 weeks ago
by clarkburbidge
No sidebar grid frame213 years 2 weeks ago
by mplanchant
13 years 2 weeks ago
by mplanchant