Integration and Embedding Development

 TopicRepliesCreatedsort iconLast reply
integrating with cakephp012 years 30 weeks ago
by zickvon
Integration using a wrapper file, redirecting to user album112 years 30 weeks ago
by cowmoo
12 years 29 weeks ago
by cowmoo
Login / integration from non-php system (zope) - Seems to work fine - Sanity check please?012 years 32 weeks ago
by Alias_Knagg
Integrating album list412 years 33 weeks ago
by FlorianWeingarten
12 years 33 weeks ago
by FlorianWeingarten
integration too complicated?312 years 35 weeks ago
by hix
12 years 33 weeks ago
by valiant
photo.tpl how to get the item number for use on a php script112 years 37 weeks ago
by alan_bourne
12 years 37 weeks ago
by SoulEvil
Prevent direct access outside of joomla212 years 39 weeks ago
by mlewis
12 years 34 weeks ago
by suprsidr
Authenication failure- loss of session data112 years 40 weeks ago
by pinkpari
12 years 40 weeks ago
by ozgreg
Logging into Gallery from a non gallery page012 years 41 weeks ago
by edgel1k
Pass login/authentication from ASP website to Gallery?212 years 43 weeks ago
by kwikstix
12 years 32 weeks ago
by Alias_Knagg
Breadcrumb links go to blank white page after embedding/integration012 years 44 weeks ago
by anexemines
My gallery embedd wrapper class is not working, some error with the handlerequest()012 years 45 weeks ago
by pinkpari
Gallery Embed not working!! Works fine with an echo112 years 45 weeks ago
by pinkpari
12 years 43 weeks ago
by valiant
How do you make Gallery your home page612 years 45 weeks ago
by Mark1958
12 years 45 weeks ago
by serbanc
Auto-login works on dev but not on prod?012 years 47 weeks ago
by aubej
gotcha in embed documentation and unclear error messages012 years 48 weeks ago
by Freek Zindel
Integration Recommendations?012 years 49 weeks ago
by djpumpkin
cookies and where they go212 years 50 weeks ago
by gsrtek
12 years 49 weeks ago
by gsrtek
sessions and cookies212 years 50 weeks ago
by gsrtek
12 years 49 weeks ago
by gsrtek
Embed example with LDAP Authentication812 years 51 weeks ago
by jkuter
12 years 44 weeks ago
by jkuter
Looking for a simple example113 years 2 days ago
by Cetra3
13 years 2 days ago
by Slayergirl
User external registration413 years 1 week ago
by raistlin
11 years 39 weeks ago
by josno
blank page on my embedded G2 when logging in/out or clicking back to root picture.613 years 2 weeks ago
by coolerr
11 years 50 weeks ago
by Bob Weber
in PHP - how would I show an ADMIN link only for ADMIN users313 years 2 weeks ago
by spit
10 years 37 weeks ago
by spit
How do I create a LOGOUT link in PHP013 years 2 weeks ago
by spit