Fixed issue with some .g-block structures.
Fixed issue with avatar not properly aligned in comment section.
Joined: 2010-08-22
Posts: 41
Posted: Sun, 2010-11-14 01:24
Thanks for all the updates.
How do I add custom text for the home page browser title? It currently just says, "Browse Albums : Gallery Home." I searched and searched and, while I found the part for Browse Album, I can't find the rest. At the same time, how would I add info for Keywords and Description?
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Sun, 2010-11-14 03:10
@rross: navigate to root album, then Album Options->Edit Album - it is a title of the album
Yikes, I always overlook the obvious. Thing is, that title also appears in the navigation breadcrumbs and as a header above the first row of thumbnails. That means I can't use a long, descriptive title the way I would with a <title> metatag. Is there any way to separate this or change the title just for the homepage of the gallery?
Thanks for the link to the module. I was looking through those files and others trying to do the above, but I'm unsure of the proper syntax and placement.
Joined: 2007-09-16
Posts: 88
Posted: Sun, 2010-11-14 08:08
Works like a charm, thanks!
I have 2 requests to make updates faster for me
1) include option to include a footer.php file. Now I allways have to edit page.html.php:
<?php include "footer.php"; ?>
<div id="g-footer">
this footer can then be used to include adsense, analytics etc...
2) Because I'm the only user in my gallery everything is posted by me. So the user shouldn't be showed for me. As of now I allways edit info_block.html.php to remove the "if item owner" statement. Maybe an option for this to?
3) And another question: should I see the pagecache headers when viewing the source?
Is really a good work
The theme is great, but the size of thumbnails does not convince me, 200 pixels is very small. Was important to define the size of thumbnails of albums and size of thumbnails of pictures. The digital option Digital EX 4:3, is not good, cut the vertical images thumbnails(see attachment)
@GuyVerschuere: 1) you want php injection? ok, I will see what I can do.
2) can you include modified code
3) no, you should not. Do you have page cache enabled?
@ajorgereis: I was going to try square module and provide an option for square format. it would still crop your image though
you can now use 300px wide thumbs with ...Ex option
@spamsuxx: changelog.log outlines changes, but you can also use diff tools like WinMerge to compare old and new state before uploading. I am not going to ship difflog, sorry.
@ajorgereis: it is not a filename, it is title associated with the image. it is populated with filename when image is uploaded, you need to adjust it after and provide proper title so it would be user friendly
if you want to hide it all together, create your own css with { display: none; } for what you want to hide and include a reference in screen.css like @import url(mycss.css);
Joined: 2007-09-16
Posts: 88
Posted: Sun, 2010-11-14 20:01
1) thanks
2) I just remove the whole IF block:
<?php defined("SYSPATH") or die("No direct script access.") ?>
<? if ($item->captured): ?>
<strong class="caption"><?= t("Captured:") ?></strong>
<?= date("M j, Y H:i:s", $item->captured)?>
<? endif ?>
<? if ($item->description): ?>
<li class="g-description">
<?= $theme->bb2html(html::purify($item->description), 1) ?>
<? endif ?>
but other users my want that... So maybe an option: "show owner" and then another IF statement?
3) yes. I'm trying to speed up my galerie...
@GuyVerschuere: 3) Enable Page Cache (60 seconds) - would work for you?
Joined: 2007-09-16
Posts: 88
Posted: Sun, 2010-11-14 22:41
Activated that from the beginning. I am now testing with cache enabled in .htaccess, in config/config.php and recycler module...
Allready much faster now...
I am not sure if this is related to the single modules (FaceBook like and downloadalbum) but they do not integrate very good into your theme. I already posted a comment in the particular threads.
The downloadmodule is placed top right barely visible, the Facebook-Button is placed at the bottom but without a border (If I choose to place the facebook button it also ends up where the download button is now). When enabling standard view for the LIKE button the additional text is cut by the overflow option for the right module column)
(It doesn't matter if I use the original theme or with my modifications)
@ajorgereis: Please check error log, most likely you have some error which prevents page to be rendered in full
@spamsuxx: facebook is a iframe which is placed without g-block (from your page) and this is why it does not have border. Look at the source of the page and compare it with #g-image-block. Downloadimage module requires custom icon which would fit associated element (22x15)
Joined: 2005-09-19
Posts: 42
Posted: Mon, 2010-11-15 05:20
i've installed the latest greydragon and works great, but for some reason in ie7 it doesn't show the login link at the top right. if i switch back to the wind theme instead of grey dragon then ie7 shows the login link fine. i also notice a javascript error when using greydragon on ie7 or ie8 compatibility mode (same thing). anyone else getting this?
i had similar errors too where it can't find the ico file. so i had to modify the greydragon option for "URL (or relative path) to your favicon.ico" and specified the path to the ico from the root '/' path like so.
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Mon, 2010-11-15 17:14
@ajorgereis: please remove the log from the post. it has your file structure in the plain text.
I do not know if it is related, but ... from the log: there is one error occur when contactowner attempts to send email
favicon error is very strange, but ... it is not related to the theme itself. Gallery 3 does use lib/images/favicon.ico as default favicon location. I prefer to keep one local in shared location along with logo and one in the gallery root.
Is this an error log right after rendering problem occurred?
Joined: 2008-09-06
Posts: 132
Posted: Mon, 2010-11-15 19:00
Hi, Serge
Thanks for the warning. I already removed the attachment.
The problem happened yesterday. I do not know what I did. Already eliminated the theme folder and went back to copy the clean theme, already removed the favicon, but the problem persists.
* Min G3 core requirement is set to v.41
* Fixed issue with Exif dialog data integration
* Fixed issue with permission dialog
* CSS: Changes form style management. Fixed issue with breadcrumbs display in dialogs.
* CSS: Important! Colorpack files are affected
* Removed no longer required custom Login dialog logic
* JS cleanup
2: On the main gallery page the meta data displays above the Album title, on the album page the meta data displays over the image title.
3: The other issue was with the display of navcarousel when selected to display at the bottom of the image. The navigation icons displayed in the correct position but the thumbnails were much further down the screen with blank space in between. I'm not seeing it in this installation but when using Grey Dragon 2.4.7 on my main gallery However this is now using Carbon theme.
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Tue, 2010-11-16 23:45
@mervyngroves: 1. your link to password protected area. a) you are using Git version of the Gallery, so there could be new problems. b) you are using customized version of the theme, judging by some visual elements.
Have you sync theme's code with latest release? Dialogs were switch to use default G3 functionality, so it should wotk, if gallery and theme is in sync with production code. Selection of the album cover does work for me.
2. Fixed in 2.4.8. It was actually by design, but I see your point. I do not remember now what lead to original decision
3. Edit: seems to be working just fine, see screenshot below
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Wed, 2010-11-17 01:27
version 2.4.8
Fixed inverted state of "Disallow Search Engine Indexing (No Bots)
Fixed JS syntax incompatibility in IE7/IE8 compatibility mode
Fixed display of thumb title and photo description on hover in IE7/IE8 compatibility mode
Fixed issue with Dialogs not skinned properly in Carbon/Wind themes
Fixed issue with metadata for photo thumbs when Aspect Ratio: Actual Size and Title Display Mode: Bottom
Joined: 2005-09-19
Posts: 42
Posted: Wed, 2010-11-17 02:40
wow didn't expect the release out so soon, you rock! i tried it out and i can see the login link in ie7 now, but when i try to login after hitting submit my password i get this javascript error and the page doesn't continue and i'm stuck in the login screen. if i close the login window and refresh then it looks like i'm logged in but kinda annoying the page gets stuck
Until there's a better solution, I at least figured a way to get general company info into each title. In views/page.html.php I went to this part of the code-
<? if ($theme->item()->is_album()): ?>
<?= t("Browse Album
and added text before Browse Album. Then I did similar with the lines below it for Photo and Movie.
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Wed, 2010-11-17 05:08
@eeldivad: cannot do anything about JSON just yet. Does it work for you with default Wind theme?
Joined: 2005-09-19
Posts: 42
Posted: Wed, 2010-11-17 05:18
same problem on wind theme. so it seems to be a problem in the core of the gallery. guess i'll have to wait for the next update. thanks serge!
Joined: 2008-09-06
Posts: 132
Posted: Wed, 2010-11-17 08:24
I'm having the same problem in this version. The page photos is unconfigured. What can I do
However the HOME menu item does not show as it does for the standard Wind theme unless logged in. Not everyone knows to click on the "Logo' to find their way home. This is important when using some Modules like Basket, etc - which do not show the breadcrumb or any other apparent way home (I'll suggest this improvement Basket as well). It works if I paste in these lines from Wind.
<!-- hide the menu until after the page has loaded, to minimize menu flicker -->
<div id="g-site-menu" style="visibility: hidden">
<?= $theme->site_menu($theme->item() ? "#g-item-id-{$theme->item()->id}" : "") ?>
<script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $("#g-site-menu").css("visibility", "visible"); }) </script>
<?= $theme->header_bottom() ?>
It is possible to remedy this?
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Wed, 2010-11-17 17:34
eeldivad wrote:
same problem on wind theme. so it seems to be a problem in the core of the gallery. guess i'll have to wait for the next update. thanks serge!
I would suggest file the ticket and create a new thread
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Wed, 2010-11-17 17:36
ajorgereis wrote:
I'm having the same problem in this version. The page photos is unconfigured. What can I do
does it happen is carousel is below the photo?
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Wed, 2010-11-17 17:39
Geoff Cloake wrote:
GreyDragon is my much preferred theme.
However the HOME menu item does not show as it does for the standard Wind theme unless logged in. Not everyone knows to click on the "Logo' to find their way home. This is important when using some Modules like Basket, etc - which do not show the breadcrumb or any other apparent way home (I'll suggest this improvement Basket as well). It works if I paste in these lines from Wind.
Theme Setting->Advanced-General->Show Main Menu for Guest Users
Joined: 2008-09-06
Posts: 132
Posted: Wed, 2010-11-17 20:20
Serge D wrote:
ajorgereis wrote:
I'm having the same problem in this version. The page photos is unconfigured. What can I do
does it happen is carousel is below the photo?
Yes, Serge
It happen without carousel module active. It only happens in the vertical photos and not at all
@ajorgereis: well, screenshot is with carousel module active
I cannot reproduce the problem, sorry.
Could you send me via PM a screenshot of the theme's setting screen
Joined: 2010-10-24
Posts: 83
Posted: Wed, 2010-11-17 23:25
@ajorgeres, where did you get the module for the cool looking tag cloud?
@ajorgereis: one observation for photo page - you have removed title display this made toolbar and navigation overlap
to fix that adjust the following rules in screen.css
I have included it in 2.4.9
Great job Guyverschuere, on the recent addition of green color pack. I have switched from blue to green, see here
My business logo is green. Lighter than the one you have produced with the most recent color pack. Would it be possible to create a green background in my gallery3 that is closer to my logo colors? View logo here
Since my Christmas list is started; how can I change the color of the lettering from blue to white?
@ Serge - Great job on creating and updating GD theme.
Thank you guys for sharing your talent.
Joined: 2007-09-16
Posts: 88
Posted: Fri, 2010-11-19 05:55
I'll take a look tonight (CET+2) to make a 'lime' colorpack. Specially adapted for your site.
All the colors for text and background are set in the colorpack.
Take a look at /themes/greydragon/css/colorpacks/Green/colors.css
@Serge: should I start another topic for the colorpacks or can we keep it together with the theme in this one.
Just one issue as far as my use of the Theme currently. Reflect the transparency of the navcarousel presentation. It seems that the transparency parameters evident in other themes are not reflected in GreyDragon. I notice it also in too.
Posts: 2466
version 2.4.7 is out
Fixed issue with avatar not properly aligned in comment section.
Posts: 41
Thanks for all the updates.
How do I add custom text for the home page browser title? It currently just says, "Browse Albums : Gallery Home." I searched and searched and, while I found the part for Browse Album, I can't find the rest. At the same time, how would I add info for Keywords and Description?
Posts: 2466
@rross: navigate to root album, then Album Options->Edit Album - it is a title of the album
Posts: 41
Yikes, I always overlook the obvious. Thing is, that title also appears in the navigation breadcrumbs and as a header above the first row of thumbnails. That means I can't use a long, descriptive title the way I would with a <title> metatag. Is there any way to separate this or change the title just for the homepage of the gallery?
Thanks for the link to the module. I was looking through those files and others trying to do the above, but I'm unsure of the proper syntax and placement.
Posts: 88
Works like a charm, thanks!
I have 2 requests to make updates faster for me
1) include option to include a footer.php file. Now I allways have to edit page.html.php:
this footer can then be used to include adsense, analytics etc...
2) Because I'm the only user in my gallery everything is posted by me. So the user shouldn't be showed for me. As of now I allways edit info_block.html.php to remove the "if item owner" statement. Maybe an option for this to?
3) And another question: should I see the pagecache headers when viewing the source?
Thanks again for all the great work!
[IMG][/img] My Blog [IMG][/img] My Gallery
Posts: 7
Nice work
Posts: 132
Is really a good work
The theme is great, but the size of thumbnails does not convince me, 200 pixels is very small. Was important to define the size of thumbnails of albums and size of thumbnails of pictures. The digital option Digital EX 4:3, is not good, cut the vertical images thumbnails(see attachment)
Posts: 88
Try the module 'square thumnails' with setting at original. I have 200px square now
[IMG][/img] My Blog [IMG][/img] My Gallery
Posts: 33
Thanks for fixing the avatar.
It would be great if you could provide a diff from version to version this would make it a lot easier to update.
For example:
diff -Nrup graydragon graydragon_old > xyz.diff
In case you are developing under Windows:
Posts: 132
How remove file name, under image thumbnail?
Not album thumbnail. The album thumbnail description is good.
One thing is the picture name, another thing is the file name. The application should have two separate fields for this purpose
See example file name at attachment
Posts: 2466
@GuyVerschuere: 1) you want php injection? ok, I will see what I can do.
2) can you include modified code
3) no, you should not. Do you have page cache enabled?
@ajorgereis: I was going to try square module and provide an option for square format. it would still crop your image though
you can now use 300px wide thumbs with ...Ex option
@spamsuxx: changelog.log outlines changes, but you can also use diff tools like WinMerge to compare old and new state before uploading. I am not going to ship difflog, sorry.
@ajorgereis: it is not a filename, it is title associated with the image. it is populated with filename when image is uploaded, you need to adjust it after and provide proper title so it would be user friendly
if you want to hide it all together, create your own css with { display: none; } for what you want to hide and include a reference in screen.css like @import url(mycss.css);
Posts: 88
1) thanks
2) I just remove the whole IF block:
but other users my want that... So maybe an option: "show owner" and then another IF statement?
3) yes. I'm trying to speed up my galerie...
[IMG][/img] My Blog [IMG][/img] My Gallery
Posts: 132
Thanks, Serge
Has disappeared thumbnail description.
Are many images to rename
Posts: 2466
@GuyVerschuere: 3) Enable Page Cache (60 seconds) - would work for you?
Posts: 88
Activated that from the beginning. I am now testing with cache enabled in .htaccess, in config/config.php and recycler module...
Allready much faster now...
[IMG][/img] My Blog [IMG][/img] My Gallery
Posts: 132
Hi, Serge
I have a configuration issue at photo page. It does not happen in every album
See the attachment please
Posts: 33
Hi again,
I am not sure if this is related to the single modules (FaceBook like and downloadalbum) but they do not integrate very good into your theme. I already posted a comment in the particular threads.
The downloadmodule is placed top right barely visible, the Facebook-Button is placed at the bottom but without a border (If I choose to place the facebook button it also ends up where the download button is now). When enabling standard view for the LIKE button the additional text is cut by the overflow option for the right module column)
(It doesn't matter if I use the original theme or with my modifications)
Again, see here:
Posts: 2466
@ajorgereis: Please check error log, most likely you have some error which prevents page to be rendered in full
@spamsuxx: facebook is a iframe which is placed without g-block (from your page) and this is why it does not have border. Look at the source of the page and compare it with #g-image-block. Downloadimage module requires custom icon which would fit associated element (22x15)
Posts: 42
i've installed the latest greydragon and works great, but for some reason in ie7 it doesn't show the login link at the top right. if i switch back to the wind theme instead of grey dragon then ie7 shows the login link fine. i also notice a javascript error when using greydragon on ie7 or ie8 compatibility mode (same thing). anyone else getting this?
Message: Expected identifier, string or number
Line: 79
Char: 1
Code: 0
Posts: 2466
@eeldivad: did not test in IE7 mode for long time... Thank you for pointing it out - fixed in 2.4.8
Posts: 132
Yesterday error log attachment
I don't understand
Posts: 42
i had similar errors too where it can't find the ico file. so i had to modify the greydragon option for "URL (or relative path) to your favicon.ico" and specified the path to the ico from the root '/' path like so.
Posts: 2466
@ajorgereis: please remove the log from the post. it has your file structure in the plain text.
I do not know if it is related, but ... from the log: there is one error occur when contactowner attempts to send email
favicon error is very strange, but ... it is not related to the theme itself. Gallery 3 does use lib/images/favicon.ico as default favicon location. I prefer to keep one local in shared location along with logo and one in the gallery root.
Is this an error log right after rendering problem occurred?
Posts: 132
Hi, Serge
Thanks for the warning. I already removed the attachment.
The problem happened yesterday. I do not know what I did. Already eliminated the theme folder and went back to copy the clean theme, already removed the favicon, but the problem persists.
Posts: 88
For the favicon I have as setting. With default values I have file not found errors.
[IMG][/img] My Blog [IMG][/img] My Gallery
Posts: 132
Hi, GuyVerschuere
Thanks for your suggestion
Posts: 9
Great theme,
does anyone else has the problem, that when they want to set permissions on the album, there are no icons visible, only the text?
If i look at the source code, the image path is missing.
Any help is welcome,
Posts: 9
Okay, it is fixed in 2.4.5
version 2.4.5
* Min G3 core requirement is set to v.41
* Fixed issue with Exif dialog data integration
* Fixed issue with permission dialog
* CSS: Changes form style management. Fixed issue with breadcrumbs display in dialogs.
* CSS: Important! Colorpack files are affected
* Removed no longer required custom Login dialog logic
* JS cleanup
Posts: 92
A few minor issues:
1: On photo page when you use the "select for album" cover or rotate the page presented,, is blank except for the following " {"result":"success","reload":1}". You have to page back to get to the gallery. The image has been selected for the album cover. When using the same option from the album page there is no issue.
2: On the main gallery page the meta data displays above the Album title, on the album page the meta data displays over the image title.
3: The other issue was with the display of navcarousel when selected to display at the bottom of the image. The navigation icons displayed in the correct position but the thumbnails were much further down the screen with blank space in between. I'm not seeing it in this installation but when using Grey Dragon 2.4.7 on my main gallery However this is now using Carbon theme.
Posts: 2466
@mervyngroves: 1. your link to password protected area. a) you are using Git version of the Gallery, so there could be new problems. b) you are using customized version of the theme, judging by some visual elements.
Have you sync theme's code with latest release? Dialogs were switch to use default G3 functionality, so it should wotk, if gallery and theme is in sync with production code. Selection of the album cover does work for me.
2. Fixed in 2.4.8. It was actually by design, but I see your point. I do not remember now what lead to original decision
3. Edit: seems to be working just fine, see screenshot below
Posts: 2466
version 2.4.8
Posts: 42
wow didn't expect the release out so soon, you rock! i tried it out and i can see the login link in ie7 now, but when i try to login after hitting submit my password i get this javascript error and the page doesn't continue and i'm stuck in the login screen. if i close the login window and refresh then it looks like i'm logged in but kinda annoying the page gets stuck
Message: 'JSON' is undefined
Line: 1387
Char: 16
Code: 0
Posts: 41
Until there's a better solution, I at least figured a way to get general company info into each title. In views/page.html.php I went to this part of the code-
<? if ($theme->item()->is_album()): ?>
<?= t("Browse Album
and added text before Browse Album. Then I did similar with the lines below it for Photo and Movie.
Posts: 2466
@eeldivad: cannot do anything about JSON just yet. Does it work for you with default Wind theme?
Posts: 42
same problem on wind theme. so it seems to be a problem in the core of the gallery. guess i'll have to wait for the next update. thanks serge!
Posts: 132
I'm having the same problem in this version. The page photos is unconfigured. What can I do
See the attachmment
Posts: 31
GreyDragon is my much preferred theme.
However the HOME menu item does not show as it does for the standard Wind theme unless logged in. Not everyone knows to click on the "Logo' to find their way home. This is important when using some Modules like Basket, etc - which do not show the breadcrumb or any other apparent way home (I'll suggest this improvement Basket as well). It works if I paste in these lines from Wind.
<?= $theme->user_menu() ?>
<?= $theme->header_top() ?>
<!-- hide the menu until after the page has loaded, to minimize menu flicker -->
<div id="g-site-menu" style="visibility: hidden">
<?= $theme->site_menu($theme->item() ? "#g-item-id-{$theme->item()->id}" : "") ?>
<script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $("#g-site-menu").css("visibility", "visible"); }) </script>
<?= $theme->header_bottom() ?>
It is possible to remedy this?
Posts: 2466
I would suggest file the ticket and create a new thread
Posts: 2466
does it happen is carousel is below the photo?
Posts: 2466
Theme Setting->Advanced-General->Show Main Menu for Guest Users
Posts: 132
Yes, Serge
It happen without carousel module active. It only happens in the vertical photos and not at all
Posts: 2466
@ajorgereis: well, screenshot is with carousel module active
I cannot reproduce the problem, sorry.
Could you send me via PM a screenshot of the theme's setting screen
Posts: 83
@ajorgeres, where did you get the module for the cool looking tag cloud?
Posts: 2466
@bryan145: 3D tag cloud -
Posts: 83
Posts: 2466
@ajorgereis: one observation for photo page - you have removed title display this made toolbar and navigation overlap
to fix that adjust the following rules in screen.css
I have included it in 2.4.9
Posts: 88
I have a second blue colorpack, a bit lighter...
To view al my post that are Gallery3 related:
Let me know wich colors you like
[IMG][/img] My Blog [IMG][/img] My Gallery
Posts: 96
Great job Guyverschuere, on the recent addition of green color pack. I have switched from blue to green, see here
My business logo is green. Lighter than the one you have produced with the most recent color pack. Would it be possible to create a green background in my gallery3 that is closer to my logo colors? View logo here
Since my Christmas list is started; how can I change the color of the lettering from blue to white?
@ Serge - Great job on creating and updating GD theme.
Thank you guys for sharing your talent.
Posts: 88
I'll take a look tonight (CET+2) to make a 'lime' colorpack. Specially adapted for your site.
All the colors for text and background are set in the colorpack.
Take a look at /themes/greydragon/css/colorpacks/Green/colors.css
@Serge: should I start another topic for the colorpacks or can we keep it together with the theme in this one.
[IMG][/img] My Blog [IMG][/img] My Gallery
Posts: 92
Just one issue as far as my use of the Theme currently. Reflect the transparency of the navcarousel presentation. It seems that the transparency parameters evident in other themes are not reflected in GreyDragon. I notice it also in too.