It's one solution but it just doesn't look obvious enough to me. But it may just be my opinion too!
BTW, with the latest release of the theme, I can no longer get the navigation to appear on the top and bottom - it always resets to the top. Any ideas?
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Mon, 2010-08-23 23:02
my bad, fixed in 2.3.2
Joined: 2009-09-20
Posts: 46
Posted: Tue, 2010-08-24 00:02
great theme.
I have just one question. When you click on an image, the slideshow automatically starts. However, this works only for users that have access to full sized images. Would it be possible to have this function also for the resized images if a user does not have access to the original image?
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Tue, 2010-08-24 01:09
@mr_hyde: I like the concept! I am going to make the change that resize image is referenced if user does not have access to the full version and so the preview/slideshow is always available.
This kind of defite the purpose of the View Full Photo button in the sidebar altogether and may go away eventually in this theme
Joined: 2009-09-20
Posts: 46
Posted: Wed, 2010-08-25 05:39
I have tested some things and it seems to work. Please find attached my changed photo.html.php. However, it would be nice, if the resize also would upscale the photos. I am not sure about the quality of upscaled resizes, but it is at least acceptable for cooliris with the crossdomain.xml file in the gallery root directory.
Joined: 2010-08-23
Posts: 4
Posted: Wed, 2010-08-25 05:55
It's not ok.
I'm uninstall and delete shadowbox module (the old versions was installed with a big 'S' (Shadowbox...), install version 1.4 under module/shadowbox.
shadowbox 1.4 is now in the module frame (see file attachement) but when i check the checkbox to install the module, Galley write "shadowbox is activated" but checkbox unchecked!
I don't know to do...
Reinstall Gallery???
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Wed, 2010-08-25 06:19
@mr_hyde: will review your changes, but I do not know if I want to upscale though.
PS. After looking at changes, I actually implemented similar thing already. Please wait for upcoming release.
@Elvis68: something strange is happened because version should be 4 and not 1, yet description appears to be correct. Any errors in the logs right after you attempt to activate the module(inside var folder)?
Joined: 2010-08-23
Posts: 4
Posted: Wed, 2010-08-25 16:57
Hello Serge,
I found my problem!
No comment in the log, but :
in ga_mudules table in the database, the name was "ShadowBox" with a big "S". When i changed in "shadowbox", it's ok and your theme recognize the module.
Thanks for you help.
Your theme is very beautiful!
Joined: 2010-05-12
Posts: 96
Posted: Wed, 2010-08-25 18:19
I hope this isn't off topic, but how do you change the favicon ico in this theme to match the one I have on my website ?
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Wed, 2010-08-25 18:37
Replace /themes/greydragon/images/favicon.ico. I am planning to make it a setting and remove it from package in 2.3.2
Joined: 2010-08-28
Posts: 1
Posted: Sat, 2010-08-28 18:41
Gallery 3.0 RC2 (Santa Fe), Theme Grey Dragon Theme 2.3.1, Module contactowner.
What is wrong ? E-mail form shows compressed. Form not in full window.
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Sat, 2010-08-28 20:31
Since theme uses its own css/js logic and does not inherit much from wind theme, so some modules are not displayed correctly
I would have to check what is going on
Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Sun, 2010-08-29 04:44
I've updated the version of gallery3-contrib/themes/greydragon with the latest download from the codex as of today. Looks great!
If you have time to clean up all those errors, it'd be helpful for users who run their PHP in strict error detection mode.
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Mon, 2010-08-30 03:49
Yes, I see the message, I will try to check it when I resolve the issue with dialogs
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Thu, 2010-09-02 19:20
IMPORANT!!!! This is an experimental version as I changed the way dialogs are handled. Please keep prior version if you need to rollback. Some things could be broken in dialogs. Example of what works now - delete functionality.
Example of broken stuff - colors/layout.
version 2.4.0
Apply g-button style only to forms
Fix to properly display videos
Fix to account for changes in Comments module
Favicon removed from theme's package
Fixed uninitialized state warnings of the variables in PHP protected mode
Album thumbs now have "lighter" background
First draft to change how dialogs are handled - switched to standard code
ADMIN: G3 Core version requirement is set to 32
ADMIN: Added missing settings initializations
ADMIN: Fixed issue with Navigator position setting not being persisted
ADMIN: Abstract admin form styles for reuse from regular module admin panels
ADMIN: Added option to specify favicon location. If not specified default G3 icon is used.
Register, Organize and Shopping Basket modules are now supported
Some clean up for CSS on the way
Joined: 2010-05-12
Posts: 96
Posted: Thu, 2010-09-02 19:06
Great theme Serge D Thanks for all the work you have done with this theme.My question is how do I get my core version at 30 to 32 ? My gallery is #3 rc2 Gene
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Thu, 2010-09-02 19:10
you need to download latest git version of the G3 from here
Joined: 2010-02-18
Posts: 79
Posted: Fri, 2010-09-03 04:10
Hi Serge
I visited your website and saw right sidebar.
In top part of it your are using a slideshow with special effect.
I tried to implement it using ImageBlockEx module but there is no option of adding special effect.
Can you help me in this respect and in case you are using something else instead of ImageBlockEx then let me know. I would like to implement the same in my website as it looks better than the standard effect of ImageBlockEx.
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Fri, 2010-09-03 18:50
Install latest ImageBlockEx
Then go to settings page for module. I have the following: Random/Blinds/Fade/15/Albums Only
Joined: 2007-09-16
Posts: 88
Posted: Tue, 2010-09-07 19:36
Any chance of having more than 3 columns? Maybe fluid with browser size?
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Wed, 2010-09-08 17:03
not at this time, it is fixed column theme
you can have 4 if you hide sidebar
Joined: 2007-09-16
Posts: 88
Posted: Wed, 2010-09-08 18:08
Can I change something to have it fluid?
What is making it fixed? Is it all in the CSS?
Joined: 2010-04-25
Posts: 32
Posted: Thu, 2010-09-09 04:25
In the latest version 2.4.0 the Exif info doesn't show in a shadowbox.
--- Gallery 3.0 RC2, Grey Dragon Theme v2.4.0
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Thu, 2010-09-09 21:19
@GuyVerschuere: almost everything is CSS - look for #g-album-grid .g-item rule and remove [width: 33%]
@fotoron: will check
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Fri, 2010-09-10 04:59
version 2.4.1 has been published
Organize module support reenabled
Register module support reenabled
Partial support for Shopping Basket module
CSS clean-up after dialog engine conversion - round #1
Fixed issue with Exif dialog not properly rendered
Joined: 2010-05-12
Posts: 96
Posted: Fri, 2010-09-10 17:50
Hi,I'm trying to change out the favicon ico in this theme its not a big deal but here is what I did. replaced the favicon ico in /lib/images/ with my own,and this is the path thats typed in(/lib/images/favicon.ico)URL (or relative path) to your favicon.ico area.and now getting this error in my cpanel,
[Fri Sep 10 08:49:41 2010] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/gswallc1/public_html/lib/images]
every time I click on anything in the gallery,there is nothing is in the var/logs/ so I guess its not that important but I like to know if I got this right. Thanks Gene
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Fri, 2010-09-10 18:11
@gswallcovering: not sure what you mean to full extent, but this is what I have
if you are replacing in g3/lib folder, then just leave it blank
I would not recommend it however, rather create the folder under themes, but outside of any particular theme as shown in SS below
Joined: 2010-05-12
Posts: 96
Posted: Fri, 2010-09-10 18:58
Thanks for getting back,I'm really new to this,so bare with me,so instead of replacing the favicon in /lib/images that you don't recommend, OK so I create a folder and name it what? and where do I put my favicon,in that folder? I understand ss-1.png.but I'm lost at the ss-2.png. I appreciate you taking the time Gene
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Fri, 2010-09-10 22:07
yes, I do not recommend replacing it in lib folder because next time you upgrader gallery, you will forget to replace the file
under [themes] folder create [images] folder
put attached file into it (rename it as (no .txt))
put your favicon.ico into folder
use settings from SS above
Joined: 2007-09-16
Posts: 88
Posted: Sat, 2010-09-11 05:58
I changed this line in screen.css:
#g-album-grid .g-item { position: relative; float: left; margin: 4px 0; min-width: 226px; zoom: 1; }
It looks great! THANK YOU! Greydragon theme is the best.
Thanks Serge That works,I first put it in the theme folder where wind and graydragon theme reside,didn't work there so outside of the gallery3 Ive got another file called themes with this inside,
ajaxian ?
carbon ?
classic ?
floatrix ?
hybrid ?
images new file with my favicon and with attached file
local file I created for logo theme (tpl)
siriux ?
slider ?
tile ?
htaccess is empty
Are thees themes associated with gallery 2 ?
Should I have two themes files ? somebody set up the gallery for me so I don't know what I need and don't need I also have another module-lib-images-local-upgrade file's outside of gallery3
I'm just curious, and thanks again for explaining in more detail on the favicon Gene @gswallcovering
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Sat, 2010-09-11 20:04
ajaxian ?
carbon ?
classic ?
floatrix ?
hybrid ?
Just a FYI those are G2 themes and will not work with G3.
Do you mind if I add it to my page as 3rd party color pack?
as for your other question: check here and look in the source
div class="g-resize" also have style element which is missing in yours for some reason
Joined: 2007-09-16
Posts: 88
Posted: Mon, 2010-09-13 05:08
Offcourse you may share it.
Can't see a reason why the style element shouldn't be there. Have the same code as you with the latest experimental build.
Could it be because my pics are only 429px wide in portrait and yours 480px?
I got the latest for G3, tweaked some code in layout.css to eliminate the hover effect of the album title appearing only when mouseovered, yet the top and bottom grey bars still appear when an album cover is mouseovered. How can I change that? (I'll try using a different title color to make it clear without the bar background.)
@rrmoss: Advanced Options - Album page/Thumbs -> Title Display Mode -> Hide
no need to change any css
Joined: 2010-08-22
Posts: 41
Posted: Sat, 2010-10-09 23:55
D'oh! I could've sworn I tried that.
I'd still like to eliminate the bottom bar on the thumbs that pops up when mouseovered that displays 'Views:...By:..."
And is there a way to show the gallery title on its thumb as I have it now, but not show the photo title on the photos page?
Joined: 2007-09-16
Posts: 88
Posted: Sun, 2010-10-10 05:28
Try these settings:
I think title will always be displayed as it is part of the url and navigation structure.
I'd like to disable shadowbox on photopages. If the shadowbox slideshow is used the view count isn't updated.
As there is keyboard navigation I don't think a slideshow is mandatory.
Any ideas?
Posts: 2466
would slightly lighter background work better?
Posts: 23
It's one solution but it just doesn't look obvious enough to me. But it may just be my opinion too!
BTW, with the latest release of the theme, I can no longer get the navigation to appear on the top and bottom - it always resets to the top. Any ideas?
Posts: 2466
my bad, fixed in 2.3.2
Posts: 46
great theme.
I have just one question. When you click on an image, the slideshow automatically starts. However, this works only for users that have access to full sized images. Would it be possible to have this function also for the resized images if a user does not have access to the original image?
Posts: 2466
@mr_hyde: I like the concept! I am going to make the change that resize image is referenced if user does not have access to the full version and so the preview/slideshow is always available.
This kind of defite the purpose of the View Full Photo button in the sidebar altogether and may go away eventually in this theme
Posts: 46
I have tested some things and it seems to work. Please find attached my changed photo.html.php. However, it would be nice, if the resize also would upscale the photos. I am not sure about the quality of upscaled resizes, but it is at least acceptable for cooliris with the crossdomain.xml file in the gallery root directory.
Posts: 4
It's not ok.
I'm uninstall and delete shadowbox module (the old versions was installed with a big 'S' (Shadowbox...), install version 1.4 under module/shadowbox.
shadowbox 1.4 is now in the module frame (see file attachement) but when i check the checkbox to install the module, Galley write "shadowbox is activated" but checkbox unchecked!
I don't know to do...
Reinstall Gallery???
Posts: 2466
@mr_hyde: will review your changes, but I do not know if I want to upscale though.
PS. After looking at changes, I actually implemented similar thing already. Please wait for upcoming release.
@Elvis68: something strange is happened because version should be 4 and not 1, yet description appears to be correct. Any errors in the logs right after you attempt to activate the module(inside var folder)?
Posts: 4
Hello Serge,
I found my problem!
No comment in the log, but :
in ga_mudules table in the database, the name was "ShadowBox" with a big "S". When i changed in "shadowbox", it's ok and your theme recognize the module.
Thanks for you help.
Your theme is very beautiful!
Posts: 96
I hope this isn't off topic, but how do you change the favicon ico in this theme to match the one I have on my website ?
Posts: 2466
Replace /themes/greydragon/images/favicon.ico. I am planning to make it a setting and remove it from package in 2.3.2
Posts: 1
Gallery 3.0 RC2 (Santa Fe), Theme Grey Dragon Theme 2.3.1, Module contactowner.
What is wrong ? E-mail form shows compressed. Form not in full window.
Posts: 2466
Since theme uses its own css/js logic and does not inherit much from wind theme, so some modules are not displayed correctly
I would have to check what is going on
Posts: 7994
I've updated the version of gallery3-contrib/themes/greydragon with the latest download from the codex as of today. Looks great!
One FIY, when I try to use it I get this error:
That's because I have max error checking enabled. You can see this for yourself by creating a file called gallery3/local.php with this in it:
If you have time to clean up all those errors, it'd be helpful for users who run their PHP in strict error detection mode.
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git
Posts: 2466
Yes, I see the message, I will try to check it when I resolve the issue with dialogs
Posts: 2466
IMPORANT!!!! This is an experimental version as I changed the way dialogs are handled. Please keep prior version if you need to rollback. Some things could be broken in dialogs. Example of what works now - delete functionality.
Example of broken stuff - colors/layout.
version 2.4.0
Register, Organize and Shopping Basket modules are now supported
Some clean up for CSS on the way
Posts: 96
Great theme Serge D Thanks for all the work you have done with this theme.My question is how do I get my core version at 30 to 32 ? My gallery is #3 rc2 Gene
Posts: 2466
you need to download latest git version of the G3 from here
Posts: 79
Hi Serge
I visited your website and saw right sidebar.
In top part of it your are using a slideshow with special effect.
I tried to implement it using ImageBlockEx module but there is no option of adding special effect.
Can you help me in this respect and in case you are using something else instead of ImageBlockEx then let me know. I would like to implement the same in my website as it looks better than the standard effect of ImageBlockEx.
Posts: 2466
Install latest ImageBlockEx
Then go to settings page for module. I have the following: Random/Blinds/Fade/15/Albums Only
Posts: 88
Any chance of having more than 3 columns? Maybe fluid with browser size?
Posts: 2466
not at this time, it is fixed column theme
you can have 4 if you hide sidebar
Posts: 88
Can I change something to have it fluid?
What is making it fixed? Is it all in the CSS?
Posts: 32
In the latest version 2.4.0 the Exif info doesn't show in a shadowbox.
Gallery 3.0 RC2, Grey Dragon Theme v2.4.0
Posts: 2466
@GuyVerschuere: almost everything is CSS - look for #g-album-grid .g-item rule and remove [width: 33%]
@fotoron: will check
Posts: 2466
version 2.4.1 has been published
Posts: 96
Hi,I'm trying to change out the favicon ico in this theme its not a big deal but here is what I did. replaced the favicon ico in /lib/images/ with my own,and this is the path thats typed in(/lib/images/favicon.ico)URL (or relative path) to your favicon.ico area.and now getting this error in my cpanel,
[Fri Sep 10 08:49:41 2010] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/gswallc1/public_html/lib/images]
every time I click on anything in the gallery,there is nothing is in the var/logs/ so I guess its not that important but I like to know if I got this right. Thanks Gene
Posts: 2466
@gswallcovering: not sure what you mean to full extent, but this is what I have
if you are replacing in g3/lib folder, then just leave it blank
I would not recommend it however, rather create the folder under themes, but outside of any particular theme as shown in SS below
Posts: 96
Thanks for getting back,I'm really new to this,so bare with me,so instead of replacing the favicon in /lib/images that you don't recommend, OK so I create a folder and name it what? and where do I put my favicon,in that folder? I understand ss-1.png.but I'm lost at the ss-2.png. I appreciate you taking the time Gene
Posts: 2466
yes, I do not recommend replacing it in lib folder because next time you upgrader gallery, you will forget to replace the file
Posts: 88
I changed this line in screen.css:
#g-album-grid .g-item { position: relative; float: left; margin: 4px 0; min-width: 226px; zoom: 1; }
It looks great! THANK YOU! Greydragon theme is the best.
Take a look at Greydragon fluid with blue color pack.
Posts: 96
Thanks Serge That works,I first put it in the theme folder where wind and graydragon theme reside,didn't work there so outside of the gallery3 Ive got another file called themes with this inside,
ajaxian ?
carbon ?
classic ?
floatrix ?
hybrid ?
images new file with my favicon and with attached file
local file I created for logo theme (tpl)
siriux ?
slider ?
tile ?
htaccess is empty
Are thees themes associated with gallery 2 ?
Should I have two themes files ? somebody set up the gallery for me so I don't know what I need and don't need I also have another module-lib-images-local-upgrade file's outside of gallery3
I'm just curious, and thanks again for explaining in more detail on the favicon Gene @gswallcovering
Posts: 27300
Just a FYI those are G2 themes and will not work with G3.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 2466
@GuyVerschuere: do you want to make your color pack public?
Posts: 88
Shure! That's the spirit of open source...
[IMG][/img] My Blog [IMG][/img] My Gallery
Posts: 88
Another litle question: If I have a portrait picture it isn't centered. Example:
Any ideas?
[IMG][/img] My Blog [IMG][/img] My Gallery
Posts: 2466
Do you mind if I add it to my page as 3rd party color pack?
as for your other question: check here and look in the source
div class="g-resize" also have style element which is missing in yours for some reason
Posts: 88
Offcourse you may share it.
Can't see a reason why the style element shouldn't be there. Have the same code as you with the latest experimental build.
Could it be because my pics are only 429px wide in portrait and yours 480px?
[IMG][/img] My Blog [IMG][/img] My Gallery
Posts: 2466
ha! just tested on my Kindle 3 - works!
Posts: 2466
@GuyVerschuere: try the following - open the page and immediately check error log in vars foldrer. see if there is any clue there
Posts: 88
For some reason it displays correctly now. Don't know what I changed
[IMG][/img] My Blog [IMG][/img] My Gallery
Posts: 88
Hmmm, have to review that last... not centered, image size 429px centered, image size 480px
can that be the problem?
[IMG][/img] My Blog [IMG][/img] My Gallery
Posts: 2466
after showing page with 429, is there anything in error log?
Posts: 88
in / ? nope, only file not found errors. Links cached by google from my Gallery2 installation.
[IMG][/img] My Blog [IMG][/img] My Gallery
Posts: 41
I got the latest for G3, tweaked some code in layout.css to eliminate the hover effect of the album title appearing only when mouseovered, yet the top and bottom grey bars still appear when an album cover is mouseovered. How can I change that? (I'll try using a different title color to make it clear without the bar background.)
Posts: 88
Isn't it enough to just set Title Display Mode in /admin/theme_options like in my album?
[IMG][/img] My Blog [IMG][/img] My Gallery
Posts: 2466
@rrmoss: Advanced Options - Album page/Thumbs -> Title Display Mode -> Hide
no need to change any css
Posts: 41
D'oh! I could've sworn I tried that.
I'd still like to eliminate the bottom bar on the thumbs that pops up when mouseovered that displays 'Views:...By:..."
And is there a way to show the gallery title on its thumb as I have it now, but not show the photo title on the photos page?
Posts: 88
Try these settings:
I think title will always be displayed as it is part of the url and navigation structure.
[IMG][/img] My Blog [IMG][/img] My Gallery
Posts: 88
I'd like to disable shadowbox on photopages. If the shadowbox slideshow is used the view count isn't updated.
As there is keyboard navigation I don't think a slideshow is mandatory.
Any ideas?
[IMG][/img] My Blog [IMG][/img] My Gallery