Gallery 3.0.1 feedback
Joined: 2002-05-21
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Gallery 3.0.1 is out! WOO! Tell us what you think! |
Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994 |
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Gallery 3.0.1 is out! WOO! Tell us what you think! |
Posts: 263
I upgraded and It seems very stable, cant find a flaw when using core modules and themes.
I did lose a couple of 3rd Party modules after the upgrade, Navigation carousel being one,
album carousel being another, these are important to me for large albums and I do hope the
authors update one or the other for 3.0.1.
I do find it redundant to dig though a module to make it work prefectly with your perticular
install, then fail upon updating but I guess that is a risk worth taking when you have a codex page
with modules that may or may not work with future updates....
But who am I to talk, I have contributed one module in 4 years !!!
Posts: 80
Upgrade form 3.0 works, but I had to use the shell method. In the web method I had to create file identification in directory gallery3 necessarily. Despite the fact that I hold in the gallery directory g3.
Posts: 27300
The album carousel module module is now fixed. Codex page updated.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 16504
Ah I see, if you had created that under your g3/var/tmp directory you'd have been fine. Looks like we should probably modified the upgrader page you get when no logged in to look at where G3 is installed...
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Posts: 132
Thank you, Dave
Is a nice and efficient module. .
Now it works well
Posts: 2466
Go this in the log ...
Posts: 7994
Yeah this means that the auto update check code is broken and it's either checking way too often or not checking at all. Grr. I've filed the first ticket against 3.0.2:
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
file a bug/feature ticket | upgrade to the latest code! | hacking G3? join us on IRC!
Posts: 11
Most likely also the Embed Videos module needs a fix after switching to 3.0.1....
Posts: 158
updated with no problems so far..
Posts: 10
thank you this is a great update!
The new organize module is really a huge overall, congrats!
is there a way to create albums in the new organize module though?
Thank you
Posts: 16504
No, at least not yet.
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Posts: 7
Does upgrading from Gallery 2 involve major changes in the usage of gallery e.g. the way you upload photos and edit albums?
Is the upgrade compatible with 'Checkout'?
Posts: 27300
You don't upgrade to G3 you migrate your data. Some modules and features are not available in G3. Install and see for yourself. Migration does not change the behavior of G2.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Hey guys,
at first i want to tell you how awesome your work is. I love Gallery3 ;-)
My experiences:
- Gallery 3.0 is a fast gallery and i got no problems yet
- After I migrated/upgraded to version 3.0.1, my Gallery was much more slower, for example: i have to wait 3 or 4 seconds after
the main page opens. The same behaviour if you walk through your admin panel.
After that I tested a clean install (no upgrade) to check if it was an uprade problem. But even then 3.0.1 slows down.
- Reinstalling 3.0, fixes the problem. In that version i have to wait max. 1 or 2 seconds, after the page appears.
- My serverload (3.0.1) (on admin-dashboard) shows something about 8, 9 or 10. In version 3.0 no serverload is mentioned.
- At last I gave it a try on the localhost: both version are fast and not slowing down.
Does anyone know what the reason could be? At the moment i'm running 3.0 again (including the 3.0.1 security patch
I appreciate your work
Posts: 573
A shot in the dark here, but that might be due to the automatic version checking in 3.0.1. Try disabling it.
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Hi dmolavi,
i tested it, but it didn't have any effect.
I just made an 3.0.1 installation here, and just added 1 album:
Here is my general 3.0 installation:
Can you see the difference?
The weird thing is that the 3.0.1 slows down from the beginning,
without any user influence.
Problem solved:
- i had to delete the php.ini in the root directory, now everything's fine
Posts: 4
I have the following issues with 3.0.1:
1) Thumb Navigator displays 9 thumbs in 1 column.
2) Tag Cloud is blank - no tags.
3) When I enter a new tag in Popular Tags and press Add Tag, a download file screen pops up.
4) Photo widgets appear to be left of center (not centered in box).
5) I have not been able to get tags map to show the markers or to change the default map display (before and after upgrade).
I updated Grey Dragon to 2.7.9 and the thumb navigator displays 3x3 thumbs but the block of thumbs are left justified and not centered. The input for Popular Tags and Tag Cloud disappeared also.
Posts: 27300
1) third party module. I would open a new thread.
2) Start a new thread if it does not work in a default wind theme.
3) Please start a new thread if it does not work in the default wind theme.
5) If it did not work before upgrade then I doubt it would after.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 15
Problem upgrading to 3.0.1
I am running gallery 3 on a Mac OS X Snow Leopard server with the pre-installed web server, php and mysql. Gallery 3 has been working fine since it was released, but upon upgrade to 3.0.1 it no longer works.
I unzipped the file, moved my gallery3/var directory into the new gallery-3.0.1 directory and then used the web-based upgrade tool.
When I access the gallery I get an error message and find the following in the gallery3/var/log directory:
<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.'); ?>
2011-01-30 13:20:11 -05:00 --- error: Kohana_Exception [ 42 ]: The requested views, page.html, could not be found
<path>/gallery3/system/core/Kohana.php [ 806 ]
#0 <path>/gallery3/system/libraries/View.php(83): Kohana_Core::find_file('views', 'page.html', true)
#1 <path>/gallery3/system/libraries/View.php(49): View_Core->set_filename('page.html', NULL)
#2 <path>/gallery3/modules/gallery/libraries/MY_View.php(62): View_Core->__construct('page.html', NULL, NULL)
#3 <path>/gallery3/modules/gallery/libraries/Theme_View.php(32): View->__construct('page.html')
#4 <path>/gallery3/modules/gallery/controllers/login.php(44): Theme_View_Core->__construct('page.html', 'other', 'login')
#5 [internal function]: Login_Controller->html()
#6 <path>/gallery3/system/core/Kohana.php(331): ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs(Object(Login_Controller), Array)
#7 [internal function]: Kohana_Core::instance(NULL)
#8 <path>/gallery3/system/core/Event.php(208): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#9 <path>/gallery3/application/Bootstrap.php(67): Event_Core::run('system.execute')
#10 <path>/gallery3/index.php(102): require('/Volumes/files1...')
#11 {main}
Posts: 129
@dougbar: are you sure that you have copied your theme-folder (that you used before the upgrade) into the theme folder of the new gallery3-folder?
If that's the issue you have 2 options:
Hope this helps.
Posts: 15
Thanks for the suggestion. That fixed my problem.
The theme that was set in the vars table was not present in the theme folder.
Posts: 2
Update went smooth. Just a request to fix the open_basedir issue for imagemagick. All was well till I upgraded from 2.3.1.
Posts: 4
Descriptions for Albums are not saving after upgrading to 3.0.1. Existing descriptions are still present, but adding new ones says that it saves the changes, but they are not saved. Running default Wind theme.
Posts: 27300
You are the first to report this. I can't reproduce. Please start a new thread with detailed steps you are taking.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 693
I've finally tried upgrading and I have a minor problem.
I followed the instructions - that is, I created a new installation, copied the relevant files across, and ran the upgrader. All the pages work. My problem is that when I am logged in, I keep getting told that some of my modules are out of date, but when I click on the update link I'm told everything is up-to-date, and then when I return to the gallery the message that I need to update some modules is still there. I can't clear the message.
Any clues? Does this have anything to do with running 3.0 and 3.0.1 off the same DB for a short time?
Edit: I made the 3.0.1 version the production site and enabled a new module that I hadn't used before (stop owner counts). Finally the problem went away. I guess it must have had something to do with the two versions playing with the same DB.
Posts: 693
OK, another minor glitch. My theme is greydragon 2.7.9 and thus I'm using Admin_Wind for admin. When I click on the admin dashboard I get the "Dang..." page. The error is:
I have the rewrite rules on plus the html option in config and it tries to take me to . All the other admin options work, just not the dashboard.
I discovered that if I put in the full path then it takes me to and I see the dashboard. So why does the dashboard not work with the .html rule but everything else does (so far)?
Posts: 158
yes undagiga, I am having the exact same thing, and I though I did something wrong, as after the update it was working, then suddenly that happened:
Posts: 16504
Why are you wanting to append .html to the end of the URLs anyway? Nobody visiting your site, including search bots (google, bing, etc) care if that URL ends with /, .html, .php, .jpg, what ever. Visitors don't care because they see the content they want to see and there's actually a very small percentage of people in the world who actually look at or pay attention to the URL and every single one of those people are geeks. Search bots don't care, well because they don't. They are looking at and seeing the content of the page. Yes, they care if multiple URLs have the same content or if your URLs are not "clean" by having parameters in them and looking like dynamic pages, but other than that they don't care what the extension is.
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Posts: 158
so you say the problem because of the .html in the url.. if it comes just for the issue in the dashboard page, one can live without it! But does that hack to append ".html" to the pages affect any other aspects of the gallery?
Posts: 16504
I have no idea and I'm not going to spend any time trying to troubleshoot it because I believe what is on the end of the url is pointless. It makes you, the web master feel better and does nothing else. Your visitors and search engines don't care.
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Posts: 693
In the interests of keeping this thread to general 3.0.1 feedback, I have continued the discussion about dashboard.html in this thread
More generally can I say that other than these few minor things, the upgrade went fairly smoothly and everything seems to be working well. Thanks for the team's efforts in getting 3.0.1 finished and out.
Posts: 63
I just upgraded from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1. When calling index.php/upgrader/ a popup comes up saying that upgrading is inm process, but after that i still have the same page as before. The address bar changes to /index.php/upgrader?failed=, but thats all.
So i copied a local.php to the root directory, but again i'm not getting any error message. Nothing is written to /var/logs...
What else can i do to revive my gallery installation?
Posts: 37
I think some things for the administrator could be improved, but
the main thing "how the user can visit my gallery" is fine.
At the moment the only problem i have with the SW is
the speed.
On my side i run to different galleries.
One with 4images and one with gallery3
At the moment gallery3 is very slow.

And i don't know why. The other gallery works fast.
Any idea?
Posts: 7994
@hannes61: that's crazy, crazy slow. It should be rendering in < 1s. Something must be going wrong there. Can you start a new topic in the forums about this? Please include the platform info and gallery stats from the sidebar of Admin > Dashboard, that'll help us track it down. Our "Gallery 3 is slow" FAQ is nascent: but we'll start fleshing it out as we figure out what's going wrong for you. Here are some other forum posts that might help:
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
file a bug/feature ticket | upgrade to the latest code! | hacking G3? join us on IRC!
Posts: 158
Just a question, does the speed of the gallery has anything to do with the number of images? or the database size?
for example if one has 50,000 images does that affect the speed?
or in other words, is there any kind of theoretical limit for the number of images for the gallery?
Posts: 16504
Just any limits the database or the filesystem themselves might have.
There are many installs of G2 that I know of that are well beyond 50,000 images. Some running quite slowly on shared hosts, but running none the less. Others running quite fast and well on better tuned systems. Your limitations are either going to be your host or your hardware or both.
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Posts: 6
Congrat guys!
This new Gallery version 301 looks great!!!
I've just finished to install and import al data from G2... 13666 photos, with resize, and a tons of Tags, in 2 rounds... and everything worked perfect!!!
Here hidden the new G3,
and here the old G2:
waiting for some necessary modules
Posts: 4
FYI this problem seems to only occur in Opera. Opera 11.01 is the version I'm running. Firefox Edit's Albums just fine...
Posts: 573
Thanks guys - upgrade went smooth using Wind theme.
However, site won't load using my site theme (Monochrome)
Has other theemers seen the same what is the issue?
all the best
HB -
Posts: 16504
There were changes between 3.0 and 3.0.1
Probably this:
If you're developing stuff for Gallery best to watch the forums and get signed up on the mailing lists
At least the -devel one. It's really low traffic anyway.
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Posts: 10
How do I do a simple thing - bold a line of text in the description field of an album or photo?
like this?
html doesn't work - apparently the text box unhelpfully escapes all html entities. bbcode doesn't work. Without this the description field is useless to me.
In general, album/photo editing is sparse to the point of uselessness. Having to mouse over an image to see details - like its title ffs - is frankly just bling at the cost of usability. Maybe much of this is supposed to be handled in the themes, but you'd think the default theme would be at least minimally useful.
Posts: 10
Okay, looking at the list of features that will NOT be implemented in core - - I will regretfully have to go back to Gallery 2. Maybe the new Matrix theme might have constantly viewable titles and descriptions and useful album/photo editing options, but it's dead as a mackerel. I especially appreciate the thread saying to go to the Codex page for downloads, where you are told to go to the forum thread for downloads.
Posts: 16504
You need to install the Purifier module:
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Posts: 27300
A community member has failed to provide files for this. I have updated to codex to reflect that the files are not available. Perhaps the community member will contribute his work in the future.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 16
Upgraded from 3.0 and Admin tab stopped to work. Always get same error even with latest experimental build. Running all as required. Tried all suggestions, no change. Is it bug guys or what?
2011-03-15 20:02:59 -07:00 --- error: Kohana_Exception [ 42 ]: The requested views, admin.html, could not be found
/var/www/gallery3/system/core/Kohana.php [ 806 ]
#0 /var/www/gallery3/system/libraries/View.php(83): Kohana_Core::find_file('views', 'admin.html', true)
#1 /var/www/gallery3/system/libraries/View.php(49): View_Core->set_filename('admin.html', NULL)
#2 /var/www/gallery3/modules/gallery/libraries/MY_View.php(62): View_Core->__construct('admin.html', NULL, NULL)
#3 /var/www/gallery3/modules/gallery/libraries/Admin_View.php(30): View->__construct('admin.html')
#4 /var/www/gallery3/modules/gallery/controllers/admin_dashboard.php(22): Admin_View_Core->__construct('admin.html')
#5 [internal function]: Admin_Dashboard_Controller->index()
#6 /var/www/gallery3/modules/gallery/controllers/admin.php(62): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#7 [internal function]: Admin_Controller->__call('index', Array)
#8 /var/www/gallery3/system/core/Kohana.php(331): ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs(Object(Admin_Controller), Array)
#9 [internal function]: Kohana_Core::instance(NULL)
#10 /var/www/gallery3/system/core/Event.php(208): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#11 /var/www/gallery3/application/Bootstrap.php(67): Event_Core::run('system.execute')
#12 /var/www/gallery3/index.php(102): require('/var/www/galler...')
#13 {main}
Posts: 27300
sniper29a, In every case I have seen that has "The requested views, admin.html, could not be found"... it is a host issue not meeting the requirements of G3 or some other host configuration issue. Please start a new thread to track you issue. Post your host name, ULR, and php_info link in a new thread.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 693
Dave is no doubt right that this is the most common cause, but I'm not sure that it's the cause in *every* case. If you have the option for an html suffix turned in Gallery3, then you might want to check these threads: (earlier post in this thread) (my additional comments from 368127 are continued here)
If you have the html suffix turned on, then try the workaround I suggested in the post 368127, which is simply to take the ".html" off the end of "xxxx/admin.html". I can say with a fair degree of confidence that it's not my host causing this problem as I still get this error on my new VPS with a very reputable hosting company.
Posts: 16
I have been running 3.0 final without problem on Debian Lenny. All is installed as required. I upgraded to Debian Squeeze, 3.0 version of gallery was still running without problems. Then I upgraded to g3.0.1 without any errors. Whenever I try any of admin pages. I always get DANG something went wrong. I have checked admin.html in case it is missing. All is ok except it doesn't work. I have tried all your suggested pages before.
There is one more thread about it so I wonder what the hell could be possibly wrong. Only thing what was changed is g3 > 3.0.1. Unless g3.0.1 installer did screw up everything.
Posts: 16504
3.0.1 worked fine for me on Lenny and works fine for me on Squeeze.
I don't suppose you've edited any other files in an attempt to get .html tacked onto the end of your URLs?
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