Gallery 3.0 Alpha 4 is ready!
It's here, the latest technology preview for Gallery 3. In the last 6 weeks we've been busy fixing bugs and adding features. The original plan called for us to have a beta release by now, but that's taking a little longer than expected so we'd like to share the Alpha 4 release with you now so that you can continue to play with the product and give us your feedback. In a hurry? download it now!
Intended audience
Alpha 4 isn't quite game ready yet. We've still got big changes to make so this technology preview is still aimed at enthusiasts, designers and module developers. But if you're interested, this is the perfect time to do a test drive with the improved user interface and to start developing feature extensions and designing new themes.
Security warning
This is a technology preview of Gallery 3.0 and as such it is not intended to be installed on public websites yet. The application has undergone a professional security audit, which has identified some security vulnerabilities and will be fixed before the final release. Please resist the temptation to share your test drive with the world and wait for the final release first!
Let's go!
With the disclaimers and warnings out of the way, here it is: Download Gallery 3.0 Alpha 4 (1.2 MB) or retrieve directly from the SourceForge repository:
svn co
The Gallery 3 Philosophy
Gallery 3.0 is easy and fun to customize. We have made every effort to make it much easier for the casual developer to hack on the product. You don't need a computer science degree to do something really cool with it! And our user-centric development process ensures that the user interface is not an afterthought.
Scope and target audience - Before starting development on Gallery 3.0, the target audience and the scope of the application were clearly defined. Gallery 3 is not a general purpose web application handling any file format you throw at it. And it's not supported on every web platform that exists. It's highly targetted.
Prudent decisions helped to simplify the product at a very early stage. For instance, there are no longer photo-level permissions. Permissions are managed on an album level. Most of our users don't effectively use photo-level permissions and this simplification extends from the database up to the user interface.
Simplicity - We're glad to have usability and user interface experts on our team, designing and prototyping interfaces that just make sense. The emphasis is on making simple, frequent tasks quick and easy. To see an example of this, check out the admin dashboard and the user/group administration page.
Size matters! - Gallery 3.0 is currently a mere 4.3MB (uncompressed on your disk), with all its features. Compare that to the 16.5MB of Gallery 2.3's bare bones minimal package. Leaving out some levels of abstraction really helps to lose some weight!
On the shoulders of giants... - Gallery 3.0 is made possible by some truly great advances in technology.
We evaluated many PHP frameworks before choosing Kohana. It makes PHP application development simple and fast. Thanks to the Kohana folks for providing this first class application framework!
PHP 5. We're taking advantage of many of the new features and capabilities available in the latest versions of PHP. This allows us to write less code and have a faster product.
We're using jQuery to create the rich user interactions in the browser that make the application fast and light. Especially with with jQuery UI and a host of plugins, UI development couldn't be more hassle-free.
Easily customizeable - Did you know you can create your own theme just by copying an existing theme to a new folder? How's that for easy? There's no new templating language.. if you know HTML and PHP you can start hacking today.
Simple to extend - We've worked hard to keep things simple. You can write your own module complete with installer, menus and theme integration in just a few lines of code. And to make life easier, we've created a Developer module that gives you a point and click way to create your own modules.
Fewer configurations - We support Gallery 3 on Unix running MySQL 5, Apache 2.2 and PHP 5.2. By restricting the number of platforms that we support, we can put out high quality releases faster. Gallery 3 may work with MySQL 4.1, IIS and other platforms but the Gallery team is going to focus its energy on making the best possible product on the supported configurations.
What's new in this release?
- Bulk editing interface (alpha 4)
- Gallery 2 to Gallery 3 import (alpha 4)
- Tag management for admins (alpha 4)
- 41 closed tickets in the alpha 4 release
- Support for database table prefixes (alpha 3)
- Random image block for the sidebar (alpha 3)
- Module administration view (alpha 3)
- Added translation server and localization client (alpha 3)
- Reimplemented the Flash uploader using SWFUpload (alpha 3)
- Album sort orderers (alpha 3)
- Add photos directly from the web server (improved in alpha 3)
- User/group/permissions management UI (alpha 3)
- Auto-login at the end of the installer, with a welcome page (alpha 3)
- Moved Google Maps and Polar Rose modules out of the official package into the community repository (alpha 3)
- 58 closed tickets in the alpha 3 release
- Localized UI with built-in editor (server side support is not finished) (alpha 2)
- RSS feed for comments (alpha 2)
- RSS feed for new images or movies (alpha 2)
- EXIF read support (alpha 2)
- Add photos directly from the web server (alpha 2)
- Support for uploading and viewing FLV movie files (alpha 2)
- Ability to view full size photos (alpha 2)
- Boolean and full text search (alpha 2)
- Album browsing
- Item commenting, comment moderation
- Spam protection with Akismet and Recaptcha
- Image toolkit support for ImageMagick, GD, and GraphicsMagick
- Theme system, including separate admin theme.
- Module system to extend the functionality, and a series of existing modules
- Basic metadata boolean search with relevance ranking
- Flash-powered slideshow (Cooliris)
- Album media RSS feeds
- Quick edits of item metadata
- In place item deletion and rotation
- User group management (drag & drop interface)
- Basic user permission management
- Admin dashboard with drag and drop blocks
Missing Key Features
These features are yet to be added and will be part of the final 3.0 release:
- Bulk editing of albums and photos (partially available in alpha 4)
- A migration path from Gallery 2 (partially available in alpha 4)
- Improved permissions UI.
- Basic embedding hooks / instructions
- (opt-in) Stats collection (helps us to improve the product)
Gallery 3.0 has received a professional security audit from our good friends over at Gotham Digital Science. They've dissected the code and probed it for security vulnerabilities, and then reported back to us. We have not yet addressed all of their concerns in this release, but we will resolve all security issues they discovered before the final release. Your security is important to us!
You can track development on our Trac roadmap.
Got feedback?
If you have any overall feedback, please visit the Gallery 3.0 Alpha 4 Feedback forum topic and let us know! If you have questions, please visit the Gallery 3 Wiki, the future home for Gallery 3 documentation.
I've got a bug! ;)
My db names for example ``
A database error occurred while performing the requested procedure. Please review the database error below for more information.
kohana/libraries/drivers/Database/Mysqli.php [158]:
There was an SQL error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '.`site`.`ru`' at line 1 - SHOW TABLES FROM `db`.`site`.`ru`
SHOW TABLES FROM `` works fine in phpMyAdmin
MySQL 5.1.34
Apache/2.2.11 (FreeBSD) mod_ssl/2.2.11 OpenSSL/0.9.8e DAV/2 PHP/5.2.9 with Suhosin-Patch
I download gallery3 from svn few hours ago. New install, no albums and pictures, enable Image Block module, then browse the gallery, it fails.
Runtime Message
>core/helpers/model_cache.php [42]:
Trying to get property of non-object
Stack Trace
* core/libraries/MY_ORM.php [41]:
model_cache_Core::set( )
* modules/image_block/helpers/image_block_theme.php [46]:
ORM_Iterator->current( )
@engineer oops, I just introduced that bug. fixed!
(sorry don't have time right now to respond to others, I will find the time soon)
@kamuzon good catch! I've filed this ticket for that issue
Gallery 3 problems? Check gallery3/var/logs before you post!
Gallery 3 nightlies:
Gallery 3 subversion:
Well done to all the same size at the intermediate image. So why would that shake the image 2560x1600 when the user 1024x768 resolution. Still, it was wonderful if embedded module for editing images for example by means of which can be cut with a large part of the image pattern into a routine, or convert for your phone.
@kamuzon - I'm unable to reproduce that problem. I've updated accordingly. If you can give me steps to reproduce it, I'll fix this issue in the next release.
Gallery 3 problems? Check gallery3/var/logs before you post!
Gallery 3 nightlies:
Gallery 3 subversion:
Is the theme setting global now? I can't see how I'm supposed to set themes on an album level, but sometimes I can barely see my own feet....
I can't understand what you're asking? Perhaps you can try asking in your native language and we can get somebody to translate?
@nagstrup: Theme settings are global, at least for now. We decided that this was much easier for our users to understand and covers most of the scenarios that people care about. If there are more global settings that you'd like to see, let us know. If you want more diversity, it's also possible to make a theme that looks different depending on which album you're viewing...
Gallery 3 problems? Check gallery3/var/logs before you post!
Gallery 3 nightlies:
Gallery 3 subversion:
Я хотел попросить сделать Промежуточные размеры у изображений, сейчас доступен только 1 размер максимальный изображения. И модуль для редактирования изображений, который позволял бы менять широкоформатную картину на обычный монитор ручным способом пользователя и мог бы переделать изображение например себе на мобильный телефон.
Gallery 2 to Gallery 3 import?
When version 3 is in stable release. Does this mean that you cannot upgrade your Gallery 2 to Gallery 3?
Gallery 2 to Gallery 3 import bug?
• Version: 3.0 pre-beta svn (downloaded nightly build on the 16th)
• Operating System: Linux
• Apache: Apache/2.2.3 (CentOS)
• PHP: 5.2.9
• MySQL: 5.1.31
• Server load: 1.64 0.65 0.27
I tried to import my gallery 2.2.4 load to gallery 3, it got much farther than alpha 4, but eventually stalled. After a pause, it shows this for status:
May 16, 2009 23:42:39 Import from Gallery 2 Stalled Importing photos (1419 of 3371)
The log shows:
2009-05-16 23:42:39 -04:00 --- error: @todo MISSING_IMAGE_FILE in /var/www/html/newgallery/core/helpers/photo.php at line 43:
#0 /var/www/html/newgallery/modules/g2_import/helpers/g2_import.php(295): photo_Core::create(Object(Item_Model), '/var/ourgallery...', 'IMG_0373.JPG', 'IMG_0373', NULL, 3)
#1 /var/www/html/newgallery/modules/g2_import/helpers/g2_import_task.php(125): g2_import_Core::import_item(Array)
#2 [internal function]: g2_import_task_Core::import(Object(Task_Model))
#3 /var/www/html/newgallery/core/helpers/task.php(78): call_user_func_array('g2_import_task:...', Array)
#4 /var/www/html/newgallery/core/controllers/admin_maintenance.php(140): task_Core::run('1')
#5 [internal function]: Admin_Maintenance_Controller->run('1')
#6 /var/www/html/newgallery/core/controllers/admin.php(49): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#7 [internal function]: Admin_Controller->__call('maintenance', Array)
#8 /var/www/html/newgallery/kohana/core/Kohana.php(277): ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs(Object(Admin_Controller), Array)
#9 [internal function]: Kohana::instance()
#10 /var/www/html/newgallery/kohana/core/Event.php(209): call_user_func(Array)
#11 /var/www/html/newgallery/kohana/core/Bootstrap.php(55): Event::run('system.execute')
#12 /var/www/html/newgallery/index.php(61): require('/var/www/html/n...')
#13 {main}
@PRaiD: Google translates that as I would ask to make intermediate dimensions of the image, now is only 1 a maximum image size. And modules for editing images, that would change the large - picture of a normal monitor manually to the user and could transform the image such as a mobile phone.. So if I understand correctly, you'd like to have more than one intermediate size. We're not planning on offering that, but it would definitely be possible to create a module that listens for the item_created event and creates any other sized images that you want. That, combined with a specialized theme would probably work out nicely for mobile platforms.
@htan68: we will offer a way for you to import your Gallery 2 data into Gallery 3. We'll probably also offer a way to translate your old G2 urls into G3, so the combination of those means that you can install Gallery 3, import your data into it, then replace your G2 with your G3 and keep most of your old URLs intact.
@Bri3001: Interesting.. can you go and look in your Gallery2 albums directory to see if IMG_0373.JPG exists? If that file got deleted for some reason, it could explain this failure. If that's the problem, I'll code a way around it.
Без промежуточных размеров изображений я врядли буду переносить сайт с Gallery 2 на Gallery 3 всетаки колличество страниц уменьшится в разы и сайт станет дороже и сложнее продвигать - это для больших архивов изображений.
Буду надеятся, что вы уделите время для создания такого модуля, буду очень благодарен.
It looks like that photo is missing on my server, it must have been removed or failed to fully upload when i made the album and I never noticed it. I used the java uploader when i uploaded that album fyi. When I try and view the photo it does show up in the gallery but its just a broken picture image, which I am sure it what is meant to happen. Its also possible my wife deleted that picture after it was uploaded (it was a pic of her) and it never properly removed itself from the album. If there is anything you want me to do to get you more info let me know. I'll leave the broken image on my server to test the gallery2 import functionally for gallery3.
@PRaiD: Google translates that as No intermediate size pictures, I Hardly will move the site to the Gallery 2 Gallery 3 всетаки number of pages drop in times and the site will be expensive and difficult to move - this is for large archives of images. I would hope that you take the time to create such a module would be very grateful.. Gallery 3 does have intermediate sizes. But it only has one. That is enough for most people. If somebody is interested in writing a module to offer more functionality, we welcome that.. but the core team is focused on actually building and releasing a product. If Gallery 3 does not suit your needs today, you're welcome to stay on Gallery 2 for as long as you'd like
@Bri3001: I filed this as and then I fixed it in r20872. Get the latest code and try resuming your paused import and it should fix the problem. Thanks!
Gallery 3 problems? Check gallery3/var/logs before you post!
Gallery 3 nightlies:
Gallery 3 subversion:
Tried Gallery3 alpha 4 to day. I haven't found any bugs yet. The only thing I discovered was the BIG grin on my face. This is just AMAZING!! A huge THANKS to the team behind this beautiful gallery software!
I deleted my previous installation of alpha-4 and dropped all the tables. I then installed the nightly build from last night (today is 20th May). I configured the database parameters, it gave me the admin login and password, but after clicking the button to proceed, I got this error message:
(please note, I installed the program into a directory called "/gallery" not "/gallery3").
I too have run across the same problem after dropping the Tables in my Gallery3 DB and installing from lastnight's build.
Platform Information
* Operating System: Linux Ubuntu 9.04 (AMD64 Bit)
* Apache: Apache/2.2.11 (Ubuntu) PHP/5.2.6-3ubuntu4 with Suhosin-Patch
* PHP: 5.2.6-3ubuntu4
* MySQL: 5.0.75-0ubuntu10
* Server load: 0.00 0.00 0.00
Also If I add pictures from the server (Using a Local Directory) it seems to hang (Small handful of pictures). But I have not scanned the Forums for it yet.
@AndrewRH and @jkemp76: please check your apache log files and let me know if you find any errors there. I just installed a nightly and was unable to reproduce your errors.
Gallery 3 problems? Check gallery3/var/logs before you post!
Gallery 3 nightlies:
Gallery 3 subversion:
Hello Again:
When Adding Pictures from Server I find that when you click on the + it does not continue to descend down further into the path to show the picture files. That aside if you check off all of the pictures by clicking on the path specified it hangs with no progress indicated. I have grabbed last night's nightly so I am not sure if there was a new one or not (5/21/09). This is a fresh install with a new DB. I have pulled the following logs from the /var/logs directory:
?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.'); ?>
2009-05-21 15:05:57 -04:00 --- error: Uncaught Kohana_404_Exception: The page you requested, gallery3/index.php/server_add/children/
2009-05-21 15:05:58 -04:00 --- error: Uncaught Kohana_404_Exception: The page you requested, gallery3/index.php/server_add/children/
2009-05-21 15:06:00 -04:00 --- error: Uncaught Kohana_404_Exception: The page you requested, gallery3/index.php/server_add/start/1?c
-Thanks (Still a Very Nice App though, Such a Big Improvement over an already decent app!)
Hi... great job... but How to use the work done whit Gallery Alpha 3 with Gallery a4?
I'm on a shared system package at 1&1 -- I don't know where they keep the error logs...sorry. Their FAQ has a section about log files but then says "Please note that we do not support this feature."
If I do find it, I'll post it.
In the last svn i've downloaded (few minutes ago) there is a bug in the login link. Tries to go at /login/ajax but this page doesn't exist.
@orilhernan: Can you verify that modules/users/controllers/login.php exists? If that file's there then /login/ajax should work. Anything in your error logs?
Import from Gallery 2 hangs and has to be paused. (Using latest nightly build as of to day) Error logs throws the following error:
2009-05-24 18:25:37 +02:00 --- error: There was an SQL error: Duplicate entry '' for key 2 - INSERT INTO `tags` (`name`, `count`) VALUES ('Åsmund', 0) in /home/aalanvfv/public_html/gallery3/kohana/libraries/drivers/Database/Mysqli.php at line 142:
#0 .../gallery3/kohana/libraries/drivers/Database/Mysqli.php(90): Kohana_Mysqli_Result->__construct(Object(mysqli), true, 'INSERT INTO `ta...')
#1 /home/aalanvfv/public_html/gallery3/kohana/libraries/Database.php(259): Database_Mysqli_Driver->query('INSERT INTO `ta...')
#2 /home/aalanvfv/public_html/gallery3/core/libraries/MY_Database.php(56): Database_Core->query('INSERT INTO `ta...')
#18 /home/aalanvfv/public_html/gallery3/index.php(63): require('/home/aalanvfv/...')
#19 {main}
2009-05-24 18:25:37 +02:00 --- error: Uncaught Kohana_Database_Exception: There was an SQL error: Duplicate entry '' for key 2 - INSERT INTO `tags` (`name`, `count`) VALUES ('Åsmund', 0) in file kohana/libraries/drivers/Database/Mysqli.php on line 142
The problem of the login link is the same of the rss feeds. The use of ".php/" requires the use of "AcceptPathInfo on" and although I have it in the httpd.conf it doesn't work.
So it's not a problem of gallery3.
can you help me, please?
I just downloaded and installed the nightly build (May 27). Everything generally went fine installing and converting from gallery2. Just a few minor suggestions and errors:
When going to the navigation screen, there wasn't anything that said my system confirmed to be compatible with gallery3. That is, I'm running a version of PHP, apache, etc. that gallery3 requires. If you do this in the background and only notify on error/incompatibility, then perhaps just a message saying that my system is compatible would be a good confirmation to the user.
After converting/importing my gallery2, I was taken back to the Maintenance tasks page and there were many errors shown that then disappears in a few seconds and I was lost at what to do. I looked in the log section and found them, but perhaps leaving a shortcut/link to the logs after the errors disappear (or instead of showing a page full of yellow errors that then disappear?) so that I could then solve the problems.
I got many "errors" during my conversion that don't seem to be a real problem:
admin 2009-May-27 14:12:58 <image> from Gallery 2 could not be process; (imported as <image>)
(happened ~20 times)
The link to the G2 image works fine and the link to the G3 image works fine and they are the same image. The only thing that looks funny to me is the old image has a weird extension on the end: But again, clicking on that link showed me an image just fine.
Lastly, having spaces or a # sign in the filename seems to break things: I have a few filenames with "2006_FBALL More Words #99 Player Name5532.jpg" and I get the following when I try and see their image (the thumbnail doesn't show either):
Perhaps need to URL encode the names during conversion since they worked fine in G2. Might need to check the upload filename as well for invalid characters like this.
FYI - today's build still has the same problem as I reported a few days ago (
I have just read the 1&1 FAQ about error logs...they say there may be a way to get the logs, if I modify the php code...
@AndrewRH: 1and1 don't permit customer access to Apache error logs, because they're a useless hosting company.
I updated my test gallery via git and I got this error:
@aalang: Can you post for me the contents of your tags table? That should give me enough info to figure out why it's trying to insert a duplicate row. Thanks!
@karmanin: There is no upgrade path from alpha 3 to alpha 4. You must completely reinstall. We'll offer an upgrade path *after* beta 1.
@mecu: As you may have noticed, our installer is minimalist. We'd like to keep it that way and I think that the baseline for most people is that if they don't see an error/warning, everything is fine. I agree that we need to provide better log output for failures in the import process; we'll do that in upcoming releases ( The weird stuff in the urls is gone in the latest code on Git (that was bugging me too). The url issue is covered in this ticket: -- thanks for testing!
@AndrewRH: not sure what's going on there, I'd need to tinker with the code to try to understand what's happening. Any chance I can get ssh/ftp/cpanel/whatever access to your install to play with it?
@mrl586: can you git pull again and see if the problem goes away? there was a brief window where that was a problem. If you're still having a problem, let us know what commit you're up to (
git log -1
should tell you).---
Gallery 3 problems? Check gallery3/var/logs before you post!
Gallery 3 latest code:
Gallery 3 from git:
@bharat: Command 'git pull -1' says that:
Bluehost, where I maintain a Gallery 2 installation with approximately 9000 images, has announced a per-account limit of 50,000 files. My Gallery directory tree has a total of 45,000 files show a ratio of approximately 5 files per image. I have culled out unused modules and need to clean up language files, but that looks like about 2000 files, total.
Bluehost's limit includes all email (which on their systems requires one file per message), localized files for installed packages (Ruby, etc.). My total is well over 50,000. I am working feverishly at reducing the number before they kill my account for "abuse".
I read that Hostgator is imposing a similar limit on customers.
Are there any reliable providers out there who offer "Unlimited" web space without the quotation marks --specifically, a file limit?
Will Gallery 3 require significantly fewer files per installation? Are individual files required for each image?
Gallery3 will have substantially less files than Gallery2. A full Gallery 2 install has 8700 files (that's the developer version so it includes tests and test data too). A developer version of Gallery 3 has 637 files.
Gallery 2 has a ratio of about 8-1 of support files to the original image: original image, resized image, thumbnail, entity cache, 3 derivative caches, and the entity fast cache). If you have modified and preserved the original add another 3. Add another 3 for each resize. Subtract 1 per image for any private images.
Gallery 3 has a ratio of about 3-1 of support files to the original image: original, resized and thumbnail.
If we do some basic math here we can probably say that with Gallery 3 you're looking at around 28k files total, most of which are data files that you really care about. Gallery 3 isn't *quite* ready yet, but if you're really up against a wall you could install beta 1 when we release it and migrate over to it and count on us not screwing up the upgrade path for you.
In the meantime on the Gallery 2 front, you can blow away anything under g2data/cache at any time.. it'll slow down your site as it rebuilds those files but it shouldn't break anything. Browse to gallery2/lib/support, enter your password, click the cache link, check all the boxes and go. That'll get your file count *way* down.
Gallery 3 problems? Check gallery3/var/logs before you post!
Gallery 3 latest code:
Gallery 3 from git:
@mrl586: did you do a complete re-install after updating?
Thanks for the tips!
The "wall" hits in three days. I'm just trying to get my stuff backed up until I find a new provider for my Gallery. I'm still open to any suggestions!
For $7 per month, I can't say a 50K file limit is unreasonable. But this new constraint lays bare the deceptive fallacy of the "unlimited" aspect of these hosts' marketing programs.
Ironically, I had planned to install Gallery 3 over the holiday as a first step in migration.
Somewhat off-topic: I'm looking for cheap and reliable redundant (RAID 1) NAS (partly because I need to park my gallery somewhere).
Similar problem like the one that mrl586 mentioned above 2 times.
Should get fixed soon as this prevents users from testing this awesome gallery2 rewrite.
@bharat: this error seems to occur here and then since alpha 4 (alpha4 was the last which definitely worked).
I've recognised that the folder structure was completely changed since then.
I'm not familiar with G3 yet, but willing to help/test if someone advises me on how to do.
Here my latest error-message:
'Upload error:500'
I received this error message when trying to upload mp4 file. File size 11MB.
Where is the problem?
This problem is with all mp4 files.
The table reads as follows:
May it be something about the Norwegian letters æ,ø and å? G2 did not handle tags with these letters when the table was populated from reading the tags from the images. As is the case for the tags with id 31 and 41.
Any luck? Or should I just try installing the latest nightly build?
@dave8401: Your error is different, but I've fixed it. Please try the latest code.
@V.: you need to bump up your upload limit. We've improved the error message in the uploader. See FAQ: Why can't I upload big files (over a megabyte or two)?
@aalang: can you post the actual data instead of a screenshot? there's only so much I can do with a picture. thanks.
@AndrewRH: I've fixed the problem. Yours is the same as @dave8401's -- it only affects PHP/CGI installs.. Since you gave me ftp access, I patched your G3 so it should work, but try downloading the latest code just to be sure.
Beta 1 is on the way, people!
Gallery 3 problems? Check gallery3/var/logs before you post!
Gallery 3 latest code:
Gallery 3 from git:
Great! But...
I installed the tar ball just now (after dropping all tables and deleting the old version). I configured it and it gave me the admin password, then took me to the main page where a pop-up said I was logged in as admin and that I should change the password. I clicked on the button to do so...and the dialog box went empty, with just the title "Welcome to Gallery 3" shown.
I closed the blank dialog box and then went to admin->users/groups, I entered a new password and clicked save ... and the dialog didn't do anything. It just stayed there (as if the button hadn't been pressed).
I closed that dialog box and then selected admin->Dashboard. All the pretty formatting went away and I was given a rather ugly raw-text screenful of info.
Also, isn't it more secure to require the admin to log in with the generated password? This is what Wordpress does.
Cheers, and thanks again,
I'm not sure what data you want. Do you need the entire database? Please instruct me how you want me to post the actual data.
I love some of the new features/changes recently added, especially batch editing. Much needed. Some quick questions concerning G3 that I couldn't figure out in G2.
1) While searching, can you search using a date range?
2) While searching, can you search by lat/long? such as ranges or drawing a box on Google Maps?
3) While editing a photo's caption/keywords/title, is there a way to put that info back into the photo file IPTC/XMP metadata?
4) Once my photos are initially imported into Gallery, people sometimes edit the metadata inside the JPEG file directly. Can I re-ingest that file and IPTC metadata into Gallery? (i.e, update Gallery database from updates to JPEG file.)
Thank you for any help. If G3 does not support these, can I still make a feature request?
- John
@AndrewRH -- ah ha, found the problem and pushed a fix to it. I've fixed your G3, but please grab a copy of the latest code and verify it for me.
@aalang -- run "mysqldump gallery3 tags" (use the right database name, add in the right user and password, etc). that should do it.
@diodata: 1) no 2) no 3) no and 4) no. And by "no" I mean "we don't do it yet". Please add feature requests for those at and set them for the "Beta 2" milestone and we'll work on them. #1 should be easy. #2 is going to be hard. #3 will be quite hard because there's no native PHP support for that and #4 should be relatively easy.
Gallery 3 problems? Check gallery3/var/logs before you post!
Gallery 3 latest code:
Gallery 3 from git:
Thanks for the info. Will do on submitting feature requests on
#3 I understand. Maybe this can be a contrib tool based on exiftool, exiv2 (or similar) that's executed from a php script or directly from command line.
#2 Why would searching by lat/long be difficult? Can you create a separate search section/box (preferably on the same page as the current search) that could act as a filter? You can have four boxes: lat min, lat max, lon min, lon max, and then do a greater/les sthan search. Are the GPS coords not imported into the database?
GPS coords are currently only in the DB in the EXIF table which is not normalized. We'd need to extract that into a normal for for searching, then provide a decent interface for expressing lat/long boundaries, then tie that into the search module to make a decent interface. The UI work is probably going to be non-trivial. If you'd like to play around with this, create a fork on GitHub and see if you can dcome up with something, I'll be happy to help out.
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Gallery 3 from git:
Thanks for the info. I just added those feature requests as new enhancements in the trac issue queue.
I'll take a look at the code and see if this something I can help with. I've never committed code through CVS/SVN/Git but I should be able to do something. Of course "create a fork on GitHub" could be much tougher than it seems!
GitHub forks are easy. Create an account and log in, then go to and click "my fork". Done. Now you can clone your own fork, instead of the Gallery 3 code and any changes you push up to your fork we can find and pull into Gallery 3. Github has lots of guides/instructions on their site.
Gallery 3 problems? Check gallery3/var/logs before you post!
Gallery 3 latest code:
Gallery 3 from git: